F2P=Free to Play
OPB=Open Beta
CLB=Closed Beta
P2P=Pay to Play
ROSEOnline (International) --OPB-- http://roseon.com
GunBound --P2P-- http://gunbound.softnyx.net/main.asp
Rakion --OPB Delayed, Coming Soon!-- http://rakion.softnyx.net/
KALOnline --F2P-- http://kalonline.com/
Ragnarok Online --P2P (Lots of Private Servers for this)-- http://ragnarokonline.com/
Maple Story --F2P-- http://www.mapleglobal.com/
Knight Online --F2P-- http://www.knightonlineworld.com/
XIAH --F2P-- http://asia.xiah.co.kr/
Do Online --F2P-- http://eng.doonline.co.kr/
Eternal Lands --F2P-- http://www.eternal-lands.com/
Gekkeiju Online --F2P-- http://www.coolhouse.fi/gekkeiju/defaultv2.asp
MU Online --F2P-- http://www.muonline.com/
FreeWorld --CLB-- http://www.freeworldonline.com/
Rubies of Eventide --F2P-- http://www.rubiesofeventide.com/home.html
Gate To Heavens --OPB-- http://www.gth.com.my/
Priston Tale --P2P-- http://eng.pristontale.com/
Biosfear --P2P (14 free days)-- http://biosfear.tiscali.co.uk/
Storm Riders Online --F2P-- http://www.stormridersonline.com/home/index.php
Ryzom --P2P-- http://www.ryzom.com/
Supreme Destiny --F2P-- http://www.supremedestiny.com.my/
Anarchy Online F2P -- http://www.anarchyonline.com
Another World F2P -- http://www.awplanet.com/
Asheron's call 2 P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://ac2.turbinegames.com/
A Tale in the Desert P2P/Month -- http://www.atitd.com/
A3 P2P -- http://a3.igamesasia.com.sg/default.htm
City Of Heroes P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://www.cityofheroes.com/
Conquer Online F2P -- http://www.conqueronline.com/
Dark Age OF Camelot P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://www.darkageofcamelot.com
Dark and Light CLB -- http://www.darkandlight.com/index.php
Dark Eden F2P -- http://www.darkeden.com/en
Dofus F2P ( P2P for all function )-- http://www.dofus.com/
Dragon Raja P2P/Month ( F2P for soon ) -- http://www.dragonraja.com.my/
Everquest P2P Game+ $ by Month -- http://everquest.station.sony.com/
Everquest 2 P2P Game+ $ by Month -- http://everquest2.station.sony.com/#home
El Kardian P2P/Month -- http://www.elkardian.net.sg/
Endless Agles P2P Game + $ By Month -- http://www.endlessagesportal.com/
EpicBeyond F2P -- http://www.epicbeyond.com/frameset.htm
Eternal Lands F2P -- http://www.eternal-lands.com/
Eve online P2P -- http://www.eve-online.com/
Fairyland P2P/Month -- http://www.fairyland.com.my/
Fairyland Europe P2P/Month -- http://fairyland-europe.com/
Final Fantasy XI P2P/Month -- http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/
Flyff OPB -- http://english.flyff.com/
Guild Wars Game to Buy only -- http://www.guildwars.com/
GraalOnline P2P -- http://www.graalonline.com/
GunZ ( MMOFPS ) OPB -- http://www.gunzonline.com/
Helbreath P2P/Month -- http://www.helbreath.com/ -- http://www.helbreathusa.com/
Lineage P2P/Month -- http://www.lineage.com/
Myth War OPB -- http://www.mythwaronline.com/
Neverwinter Nigths Game to buy Only -- http://nwn.bioware.com/
Nilorea CLB -- http://www.nilorea.net/index.php
Oberin F2P (Only for Macintosh ) -- http://www.oberin.com/new/index.php
Pirates of the Burning Sea OPB -- http://www.flyinglab.com/pirates/
Planetside P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://planetside.station.sony.com/
Prince of Qin P2P/Month -- http://poq.khabal.com/
Project Entropia F2P -- http://www.project-entropia.com/Index.ajp
Shadowbane P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.shadowbane.com/us/index.php
Tantra P2P -- http://www.tantra.com.ph/
TerraWorld Online F2P -- http://www.terragaming.net/
Ultima Online P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.uo.com/
World of Wacraft P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/
RF Online -- http://rfonline.x2game.com/
Ashen Empire -- http://www.ashenempires.com/
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $8.95
BiosFear -- http://biosfear.tiscali.co.uk/
Download: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=4356
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $6.95
City Of Viliians -- http://www.cityofvillains.com/
Hell Breath
Official Site (USA): http://www.helbreathusa.com/
Official Site (International): http://inter.helbreath.com/
Download: http://inter.helbreath.com/sub3/clientpatch_am.htm
Huxley -- http://www.webzengames.com/Game/Huxley/default.asp
Prison Tale -- Official Site: http://eng.pristontale.com/
Download: http://eng.pristontale.com/DownLoad/Client.aspx
Second Lige -- http://secondlife.com/
Download: https://secondlife.com/join/
Star Wars Galaxies -- http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/
SUN -- http://www.webzengames.com/Game/Sun/default.asp
The Matrix Online -- http://thematrixonline.station.sony.com/
OPB=Open Beta
CLB=Closed Beta
P2P=Pay to Play
ROSEOnline (International) --OPB-- http://roseon.com
GunBound --P2P-- http://gunbound.softnyx.net/main.asp
Rakion --OPB Delayed, Coming Soon!-- http://rakion.softnyx.net/
KALOnline --F2P-- http://kalonline.com/
Ragnarok Online --P2P (Lots of Private Servers for this)-- http://ragnarokonline.com/
Maple Story --F2P-- http://www.mapleglobal.com/
Knight Online --F2P-- http://www.knightonlineworld.com/
XIAH --F2P-- http://asia.xiah.co.kr/
Do Online --F2P-- http://eng.doonline.co.kr/
Eternal Lands --F2P-- http://www.eternal-lands.com/
Gekkeiju Online --F2P-- http://www.coolhouse.fi/gekkeiju/defaultv2.asp
MU Online --F2P-- http://www.muonline.com/
FreeWorld --CLB-- http://www.freeworldonline.com/
Rubies of Eventide --F2P-- http://www.rubiesofeventide.com/home.html
Gate To Heavens --OPB-- http://www.gth.com.my/
Priston Tale --P2P-- http://eng.pristontale.com/
Biosfear --P2P (14 free days)-- http://biosfear.tiscali.co.uk/
Storm Riders Online --F2P-- http://www.stormridersonline.com/home/index.php
Ryzom --P2P-- http://www.ryzom.com/
Supreme Destiny --F2P-- http://www.supremedestiny.com.my/
Anarchy Online F2P -- http://www.anarchyonline.com
Another World F2P -- http://www.awplanet.com/
Asheron's call 2 P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://ac2.turbinegames.com/
A Tale in the Desert P2P/Month -- http://www.atitd.com/
A3 P2P -- http://a3.igamesasia.com.sg/default.htm
City Of Heroes P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://www.cityofheroes.com/
Conquer Online F2P -- http://www.conqueronline.com/
Dark Age OF Camelot P2P Game+ $ by months -- http://www.darkageofcamelot.com
Dark and Light CLB -- http://www.darkandlight.com/index.php
Dark Eden F2P -- http://www.darkeden.com/en
Dofus F2P ( P2P for all function )-- http://www.dofus.com/
Dragon Raja P2P/Month ( F2P for soon ) -- http://www.dragonraja.com.my/
Everquest P2P Game+ $ by Month -- http://everquest.station.sony.com/
Everquest 2 P2P Game+ $ by Month -- http://everquest2.station.sony.com/#home
El Kardian P2P/Month -- http://www.elkardian.net.sg/
Endless Agles P2P Game + $ By Month -- http://www.endlessagesportal.com/
EpicBeyond F2P -- http://www.epicbeyond.com/frameset.htm
Eternal Lands F2P -- http://www.eternal-lands.com/
Eve online P2P -- http://www.eve-online.com/
Fairyland P2P/Month -- http://www.fairyland.com.my/
Fairyland Europe P2P/Month -- http://fairyland-europe.com/
Final Fantasy XI P2P/Month -- http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/
Flyff OPB -- http://english.flyff.com/
Guild Wars Game to Buy only -- http://www.guildwars.com/
GraalOnline P2P -- http://www.graalonline.com/
GunZ ( MMOFPS ) OPB -- http://www.gunzonline.com/
Helbreath P2P/Month -- http://www.helbreath.com/ -- http://www.helbreathusa.com/
Lineage P2P/Month -- http://www.lineage.com/
Myth War OPB -- http://www.mythwaronline.com/
Neverwinter Nigths Game to buy Only -- http://nwn.bioware.com/
Nilorea CLB -- http://www.nilorea.net/index.php
Oberin F2P (Only for Macintosh ) -- http://www.oberin.com/new/index.php
Pirates of the Burning Sea OPB -- http://www.flyinglab.com/pirates/
Planetside P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://planetside.station.sony.com/
Prince of Qin P2P/Month -- http://poq.khabal.com/
Project Entropia F2P -- http://www.project-entropia.com/Index.ajp
Shadowbane P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.shadowbane.com/us/index.php
Tantra P2P -- http://www.tantra.com.ph/
TerraWorld Online F2P -- http://www.terragaming.net/
Ultima Online P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.uo.com/
World of Wacraft P2P Game + $ by Month -- http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/
RF Online -- http://rfonline.x2game.com/
Ashen Empire -- http://www.ashenempires.com/
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $8.95
BiosFear -- http://biosfear.tiscali.co.uk/
Download: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=4356
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $6.95
City Of Viliians -- http://www.cityofvillains.com/
Hell Breath
Official Site (USA): http://www.helbreathusa.com/
Official Site (International): http://inter.helbreath.com/
Download: http://inter.helbreath.com/sub3/clientpatch_am.htm
Huxley -- http://www.webzengames.com/Game/Huxley/default.asp
Prison Tale -- Official Site: http://eng.pristontale.com/
Download: http://eng.pristontale.com/DownLoad/Client.aspx
Second Lige -- http://secondlife.com/
Download: https://secondlife.com/join/
Star Wars Galaxies -- http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/
SUN -- http://www.webzengames.com/Game/Sun/default.asp
The Matrix Online -- http://thematrixonline.station.sony.com/
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