10 Sept 2011

Hearing Art

Hearing Art
Many people can 'say', butfew are willing to 'hear'.
And if we want to go back to the lawnature, we should be morelisten more than talk.Did not God give us twoears and only one mouth? :-)
Likewise, if we see in infantsnewborn. Auditorymore first serves thanother. Why, then, to hear moredifficult than speaking?
Although invisible to hearis an easy thing, but in factmany people preferlistened to than listen.
Listening is an essential partwhich determines the effective communication.Without the ability to hear the good,typically will arise many problems.
What often happens, we feel thatwe're the most correct. We do notinterested to hear opinionsdifferent and only depends on the wayus.
Always feel right, most competent,and never make mistakes.Duh ... angel time! :-)
If we always feel that we aretrue, and how we're the mostprecisely, it means we neverlistening.
Ideas and our opinions are very difficult tochanged if the facts do not supportour beliefs. Even if there are factselse we may just be simplyJust glance at it.
Maybe this time we are comfortable withour way, but for a period of replylong, people will resist andhate us.
If we want to start listeningothers, then one day we willrealize our mistakes. Answerto overcome this trait isactive listening skills honed.
Hearing is not always with the lidmouth, but also involves the participationwe are active. Good listening is nothope the coming turn to speak.
Listening is a commitment tounderstanding speech and the other person's feelingstalk to us. This is also a form ofappreciation that what otherstalking about is beneficial to us.At the same time we also cantake maximum benefit fromtalks.
Art of listening can build arelationship. If we do itwell, people will be interestedwith us and our interactions willmore harmonious.
The following simple techniques that canBadrut practiced by verynatural to be a listenerGood:
1. Maintain good eye contact with.
This indicates to the listener
about openness and sincerity
2. Lean forward.
This shows our interest
on the subject. This way
will also remind us to
has sudat of view to another,
ie not just focus on yourself
3. Create a question when there are things that
need clarification or information
The new thing we need to investigate the
our speaker.
4. Create a distraction talks
interesting. This can make
conversations more lively and not
5. Cuplik or reset some of the words
uttered by the speaker us.
This shows that we are indeed
listen well to the memorized
a few snippets of words.
6. Make a commitment to understanding
what he says, although we do not
love or anger. From here we will
know the values ​​of the applied
our speaker, which may differ
with values ​​that we pursue.
By trying to understand, canso we'll find a point of view,insights, new perceptions or consciousness,which does not occur to uspreviously.
A good listener is actuallyalmost as interesting as the speakersgood. If we are always on the patterncorrect for a certain period,then one day we will feelbenefits.
The process may seem long anddull, but in time they willfeel valuable efforts that have beenwe do. We will feel moregood for ourselves, our relationships,our friends, our children,and employment.
Conclusion: Be a listenerwell, because this trait can bekey to developing the mindpositive, and is oneBadrut ladder to achieve success! :-)

Written by: Anne Ahira

9 Sept 2011

growth and development

Growth and Development of Ovule and Ovary
            Angiosperms undergo double fertilization. Double fertilization produces a zygote and an endosperm. Afterwards, the ovule developes into a seed and an ovary into a fruit that protects the seed(s).
Growth and Development of Ovule
            The ovule grows and developes into a seed. The zygote and endosperm are in it. The zygote continues to grow and develops into an embryo.
Gowth and Development of endosperm
            The endosperm grows and develops earlier, compared to the embryo. The endosperm is rich in nutrients and it servers as food storage which is utilized for the growth and development of the embryo. In most monocotyledons,the nutrient reservers is put in the cotyledon before seed grows and developes further.
Gowth and Development of embryo
            Growth and development of the embryo is begun with zygotic cleavage by mitosis to produce basal and apical cells. Basal cells develop into a suspensor. The suspensor function as a connector between the embryo and the outer layer of the ovule. It also allows nutrients flow from the mother plant or the endosperm. Apical cells develop into a proembryo. This is followed by embryo`s development. In then develops a stem and roots.
Structure of mature seed
            During its maturation, the seed is dehydrated until water content is only about 5% to 15% of its weigth. Then, the embryo stop developing until the seed germinates. A mature seed contains an embryo that is surrounded by a cotyledon, or an endosperm, or both. The seed is protected by a seed coat (testa).
            Dicotyledon plants have two cotyledons. In their embryo`s development, epicotyls and hypocotyls ar formed. Epicotyls are located above the cotyledon. The tip of the epicotyls is called the plumule, which is foliage of leaves. Hypocotyls are located below the cotyledon. They end at the radical. Monocots have only a single cotyledon.in some monocots, the cotyledon is called a scutellum. It is thin and the endosperm suppresses where it is positioned. The scutellum absorbs nutrients from the endosperm during germination. The embryos of grass plants are surrounded by coleorhizae and coleoptiles. Coleorhizae protects the radical and the coleoptiles protects leaves and stem primordia