6 Dec 2011


definition of Planet

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Association to-26 issued a decision regarding the definition of a planet. There are three requirements to becalled a planet: (a) orbiting the sun, (b) large enough so as to maintain the shape of(nearly) spherical, and (c) the net there is no other celestial bodies in orbit (quoted by LiveScience blog: Pluto poised for Demotion: Details of Thursday's Vote).
Not the Planet Pluto

Pluto's orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune that Pluto is sometimes closer than Neptune to the Sun in its journey around the sun. This is what causes the need to release the predicate Pluto as a planet and from now on (unless there is a new decision again)included in the small planet (dwarf planet).
Small Planet or Dwarf Planets
The condition is that if (a) orbiting the sun, (b) large enough so as to maintain the shape of (nearly) spherical, (c) does not clean any other celestial bodies in orbit,and (d) instead of a satellite (quoting from the same blog ).

A strong understanding that Pluto as a planet since the discovery on 18 February1930 by Clyde Tombaugh certainly can not be easily removed. So it is the responsibility of us all to join this new definition socialize. The consequences of that decision is revised in any presentation of information that says Pluto as a planet,such as textbooks, encyclopedias, you are including online media such as Wiki ....

Changes or aq prefer to call it as a revision like this was a consequence of thedevelopment of science. The science that we know and we believe now is not a final conclusion. Still banyah things that we do not know the truth. As a term in the X-Files:the truth is out there.

PRAZZER- Energy Potensial and Energy Kinetic

The energy of an object is the size of the object's ability to conduct a business. The unit of energy is the joule. Energy in the physical sciences are divided into variouskinds / types, among others:

4 Dec 2011


Rain is one form of precipitation, or derived from space fluid, such as snow, hail, dew and fog. Rain forms when separate drops fell to earth from the clouds. Not all rain water to the earth's surface, some evaporates while falling through dry air, a type of precipitation that are recognized as virga.

Rain plays an important role in orbit hydrologik in which moisture evaporates from the sea, exchanged into the clouds, gathered into clouds, then fall back to earth, and finally returned to the sea through rivers and streams to repeat the original recycling.

The amount of rain was measured using a rain gauge. He stated as the d


Observe Toilet Disorders (Constipation) in Children in infants and children

CHAPTER often difficult ngeden pain during defecation (obstipasi). Bowel movement every day does not even 2-7 days.Small round black dirt like goat droppings, hard, black, green and acrid smell.frequent passing of wind, defecated in his pants. Frequent bloating, frequent passing of wind and a sharp odor. Often ABDOMINAL PAIN, nungging night sleep (usually due to abdominal discomfort)

Observe signs and symptoms of other gastrointestinal disorders due to allergies and food hypersensitivity (Gastrointestinal Hipersensitivity)

(Symptoms of gastrointestinal function disorders are often considered normal for this)
In Infants

GASTROOESEPHAGEAL reflux or GER, often vomiting / spit up, bloated, "hiccup", pass gas loudly and often, often fussy restless (colic), especially at night, CHAPTER> 3 times per day, not every day BAB. Stool green, black and smelly.Often "ngeden & risk umbilical hernia (navel), Scrotalis, inguinal. Excessive salivation. The tongue / mouth haunting white, dry lips

In older children:

Easy VOMITING when crying, running or eating a lot. NAUSEA morning.Often Toilet (BAB) 3 times / day or more, often difficult CHAPTER ngeden pain during defecation (obstipasi). Small round black dirt like goat droppings, hard, black, green and acrid smell. frequent passing of wind, defecated in his pants.Frequent bloating, frequent passing of wind and a sharp odor. Often ABDOMINAL PAIN, nungging night sleep (usually due to abdominal discomfort)Tooth pain, tooth-colored brownish yellow, broken teeth, swollen gums easily / bleeding. Dry lips and bleed easily, often thrush, white tongue & berpulau, halitosis, excessive salivation.

SKIN: reddish spots often arise especially in the cheeks, ears and diaper-covered area. Crust in the area of ​​hair. Arising black scars like mosquito bites. Excessive ear wax & smelly. BCG injection site abscess. Ulcers arise.CHANNEL BREATH: Breath-grok grok, sometimes accompanied by a mild cough.Tightness in the newborn with enlarged glands thimus (TRDN / TTNB)NOSE: Sneezing, nose rings, nose dirt lot, the head is often tilted to one side because one side of the nose clogged, so the risk of "HEAD peyang".EYES: The eyes watery feces or arising out of the eye (belekan) one side.GLANDS: Enlarged glands in the neck and head back down.Blood vessels: the palm of the hands and feet like a pale, often woke coldHormonal disturbances: vaginal discharge / bleeding from the vagina, red nodule arising pus, breast enlargement, hair loss.Innervation: Easily startled when a loud noise. When the cry: hands, feet and lips often tremble or bated breath / stop for a moment (breath holding spells)ASI DRINKING PROBLEM: excessive drinking, excessive weight infants often cry krn considered thirsty (thirst false: frequent crying not because of thirst or not due to lack of breast milk.). Often biting the nipple so the wound. Drinking milk is often choked, because the clogged nose & breathing with the mouth. Drink more milk for a while on the one hand, `because one side clogged nose, the long term can result in large breasts next.

1. BREATHING CHANNEL AND NOSE:Cough / cold periods (> 2 weeks), ASMA, sneezing, clogged nose, especially at night and early morning. Nosebleeds, hoarseness, sinusitis, often took a deep breath.

2. SKIN: Skin ulcers occur, redness, white patches and black marks like mosquito bites. The white color of the skin such as "phlegm". Often rub their eyes, nose, ears, often pulling or holding the genitals because of itching. Excessive ear wax, a little smelly, ear pain when pressed (otitis externa).

3. Digestive: Easy VOMITING when crying, running or eating a lot. NAUSEA morning.Often Toilet (BAB) 3 times / day or more, difficult BAB (obstipasi), small round black dirt like goat droppings, loud, frequent passing of wind, defecated in his pants.Frequent bloating, frequent passing of wind and a sharp odor. Often STOMACH PAIN.

4. DENTAL AND MOUTH: tooth pain, tooth-colored brownish yellow, broken teeth, swollen gums easily / bleeding. Dry lips and bleed easily, often thrush, white tongue & berpulau, halitosis, excessive salivation.

5. Blood Vessel Vasculitis (small blood vessel rupture): often bruising bluish on foot or cheek bone dry up like the former hit. Palpitations, easy fainting, low blood pressure.

6. MUSCLE AND BONE: leg pain or sometimes the hands, often ask for a massage, especially at night. Sometimes chest pain

7. Urethral: Frequently asked urination, BED wetting (wetting 2-3 times a night)

8. EYES: Eye itching, nodule arising in the eyelid (hordeolum). Blacks in the area under the eyelids. wear glasses (cylindrical) since the age of 6-12 years.

9. Hormonal: excessive hair on the feet or hands, vaginal discharge, impaired growth in height.

10. Head, foot / hand warmer is often palpable. Excessive sweating despite the cold (night / ac). Sweat smells.

11. Fatigue: tiredness, often asked for carrying
BEHAVIOR DISORDERS THAT OFTEN WITH PATIENTS AND Hypersensitivity FOOD ALLERGIES IN CHILDREN1. COMPOSITION OF THE NERVE CENTER: headaches, migraines, tics (frequently blinking eye movements), nonspecific convulsions (seizures without fever and normal EEG).

2. Motor movement EXCESSIVE eyes of infants often look up. Hands and feet can not move on dibedong / covered. Glad to standing position when carried in the arms, often asking frequently down or move the head back, hitting his head knock.Frequently rolling on the bed, dropping the body on the mattress ("smackdown"}. "Tomboy" in girls: playing ball, climbing etc..

3. INCREASED AGGRESSIVE often beat his own head, the other person. Often biting, licking, pinching, pulling hair (such as "irritated")

4. INTERRUPTION OF CONCENTRATION: bored something quick activities except watching television, playing games, reading comics, learn. Can not do things the old, inaccurate, often losing things, do not want to queue, forgetful, like "stunned", BUT LOOK INTELLIGENT CHILDREN

5. EMOTIONS HIGH (irritability, frequent shouting / rages / tantrums), stubborn, negatifisme

6. COORDINATION AND BALANCE DISORDERS motor: Too late back and forth, sitting, crawling and walking. Road in a hurry, easy falling / crashing, sit down letter "W".Sensory issues: sensitive to noise (high frequency), light (easy to glare), touch sensitive soles of the feet and hands (the way toe, flat foot, easily amused, easily disgusted, do not like holding a feather, dolls and furry bianatang)

7. ORAL MOTOR DISORDERS: TALK TOO LATE, talking in a hurry, lisp, stutter.INTERFERENCE swallowing and chewing, can not eat fibrous foods (beef, vegetables, rice) Accompanied delay dentition.Impulsive: lots of talk, laugh too much, often interrupting othersAutism and ADHD (hipersensititas food allergies and not the cause of autism or ADHD, but only aggravate the symptoms)

8. FREQUENT COMPLICATIONS WITH FOOD ALLERGIES IN CHILDREN AND HypersensitivityDecreased endurance are often sick with a fever, cough, runny nose every month even 2 times a month. (Normal sick should be 2-3 months)Because it is often chronic pain resulting Tonsillitis (enlarged tonsils) avoid unnecessary tonsillectomy or experiencing Ear InfectionsBeware and avoid the side effects of DRUG USE TOO OFTEN.Prone to urinary tract infections. The skin around the genitals is often reddishOFTEN HAPPENS overdiagnosis of TB (LONG TERM DRUG AND DRINK WHEN WILL NOT SUFFER TBC / "spots") BECAUSE LIKE SYMPTOMS OF ALLERGIC DISEASE tuberculosis. COUGH IS NOT OLD IF SYMPTOMS IN CHILDREN DIAGNOSIS TBC TBC dubious BETTER "SECOND OPINION" WITH OTHER DOCTORSEXCESSIVE EATING or OBESITY OBESITYFUNGUS INFECTION (candidiasis hypersensitivity) on the tongue, groin, neck, abdomen or chest, whitish


Orangutans are the only great ape found in Asia, precisely in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Other great apes in the African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), gorillas (Pan gorilla) and banobo (Pan paniscus). Orangutans belong to the Order Primates, Pongidae Familia, and species Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan of Borneo) and abelli Pongo (orangutans are found on the island of Sumatra).
The characteristics of the Body:
* Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelli) has the physical characteristics of a larger body, dark or reddish brown, hairs sparse and short, and the baby appears there patches of reddish or greenish.* The Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) physical features body look smaller, light-colored or orange, and hand bones are longer.* In general, male orangutans have cheekpad on both cheeks and her size two times larger than females, with body weight in the wild ranges between 50-90 kg.