6 Oct 2011

PRAZZER-Growth and Development of Ovule and Ovary

Angiosperms undergo double fertilization. Double fertilization produces a zygote and an endosperm. Afterwards, the ovule developes into a seed and an ovary into a fruit that protects the seed(s).
Growth and Development of Ovule
            The ovule grows and developes into a seed. The zygote and endosperm are in it. The zygote continues to grow and develops into an embryo.
Gowth and Development of endosperm
            The endosperm grows and develops earlier, compared to the embryo. The endosperm is rich in nutrients and it servers as food storage which is utilized for the growth and development of the embryo. In most monocotyledons,the nutrient reservers is put in the cotyledon before seed grows and developes further.
Gowth and Development of embryo
            Growth and development of the embryo is begun with zygotic cleavage by mitosis to produce basal and apical cells. Basal cells develop into a suspensor. The suspensor function as a connector between the embryo and the outer layer of the ovule. It also allows nutrients flow from the mother plant or the endosperm. Apical cells develop into a proembryo. This is followed by embryo`s development. In then develops a stem and roots.
Structure of mature seed

         During its maturation, the seed is dehydrated until water content is only about 5% to 15% of its weigth. Then, the embryo stop developing until the seed germinates. A mature seed contains an embryo that is surrounded by a cotyledon, or an endosperm, or both. The seed is protected by a seed coat (testa).
            Dicotyledon plants have two cotyledons. In their embryo`s development, epicotyls and hypocotyls ar formed. Epicotyls are located above the cotyledon. The tip of the epicotyls is called the plumule, which is foliage of leaves. Hypocotyls are located below the cotyledon. They end at the radical. Monocots have only a single cotyledon.in some monocots, the cotyledon is called a scutellum. It is thin and the endosperm suppresses where it is positioned. The scutellum absorbs nutrients from the endosperm during germination. The embryos of grass plants are surrounded by coleorhizae and coleoptiles. Coleorhizae protects the radical and the coleoptiles protects leaves and stem primordia  
Seed Germination

            Seeds will develop under the correct environmental conditions. But other seeds may become dormant which means that the seed stops growing and developing. A seed may become dormant when he environmental conditions do not support germination.
            When germination starts, seed dormancy end. The end of dormancy is marked by the entrance of water into the seed, a process called imbbition. This process induces enzymatic activities (biocatalysts that play a role in metabolism) so germination starts. After dormancy ends, the plant cells multiply in number by active division. However, newly formed cells are not differentiated yet. When te clump of cells reaches a certain cell mass, the plant starts the differentiation process.
            Differentiation is a process of adding distinct cell types and functions to the organism. Afterward, organs are formed by organogenesis. Organogenesis of many different shapes of organs to complete the structure and function of the organism is called development or morphogenesis.
            Seed can germinate because they have an embryo. There are 3 parts of an embryo: radical,cotyledon, and caulicle.

(Embryonic Root)
(Embryonic Leaf)
( Embryonic Stem)
           The radicle will grow and function into roots. The tip of radicle is facing toward the micropylar endosperm (seed canal). During germination, the root grows through this canal and ruptures the seed coat.
Cotyledon is the first structural leaf of the plant. It has several function :

Ø  As storage for food. It is thick, one side is usually curved and the other side is flat
Ø  A structur for photosynthesis
Ø  To absorb nutrient from endosperm, which form a thin layer called the shield shaped scutellum in monocots.
There are two parts of the caulicle: the epicotyl and hypocotyls.
Ø  Epicotyl is a stem segment above the cotyledon thet will grow into the stem and leaf.
Ø  Hypocotyl is a stem segment below the cotyledon that will grow to elongate into roots
   There are two types of germination based on the strating location: epigeal and hypogeal.
Epigeal germination
            Epigeal germination is marked by the up-lifting of the hypocotyls above the ground level. Cotyledon divides quickly to form leaves. This type of germination can be observed inmung bean plants( phaseolus radiatus)

Hypogeal germination
            Hypogeal germination is marked by the formation of a rudimentary stem that appears above ground level, while the cotyledon stays inside the soil ( hypocotyls stays underground). This process can be observed in pea plants (pisum sativum).


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The Mystery of Love Story Scientists

Albert Einstein, the genius of this one, never separated from the various issues and misteri.Gelar as ilmwuan most brilliant 20th century scientist invites audiences amazed the world. All-geriknya movements continue to be observed to dissect the whole life lived an Einstein. Digging movements to reveal none other than Einstein's genius possessed of the maestro.

Of the many search and the story of Einstein's biographical particulars, a book called The Einstein Girl; Mystery of Love Story The scientist is present differently.This book reveals the love story of the scientist. Options love story that lifted the authors make this book could reveal a different aspect of Einstein's affairs.

Philip Sington tells us that 30 years after his death, the secret correspondence between the genius of Albert Einstein and the Serbian mathematician who had become his wife, Mileva Maric, was revealed. The letter revealed the existence of an illegitimate child born two years before they married. Elisabeth Einstein, boy, born in late January 1902 in a village at the time it entered the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Two months before Adolf Hitler rose to power, a young girl is found naked in a state of flawless almost died in a forest on the outskirts of Berlin. When she finally recovered from the coma, he was unable to remember anything, including his own name. The only clue is a piece of paper credentials that are located near where he was found, containing notification of an event public lectures on Quantum Theory by Albert Einstein.

Sington revealed that a psychiatrist named Martin Kirsch has been trying hard uncover the truth behind the case of "Patient E" (Einstein, that is), but over time his professional interests turned out to be my love for the girl.

Intensive investigation then took him to the interior of Serbia through a psychiatric hospital in Zürich, where the heir to the genius of Albert Einstein's younger son, Eduard Einstein was writing a book that will destroy the reputation of his father at once changed the world.Einstein A Girl a mystery that shook the world of Europe. Einstein Girl in the blood are the world's scientists are tinkering with the face of upheaval exact science.Inevitably, the uproar cases of "bastard child" makes the mysteries of Einstein's Girl invites public audiences. This book is written with a riveting based on diligent research.

This novel is a mystery of love and fondness for knowledge as well as a dark journey into the psychological side that was never revealed by a most brilliant scientist in the twentieth century.Sington, in this historical thriller novel, has brought our thinking to the world of nature that Einstein was not only struggling in the realm of theoreticians, but also as human beings.(Reviewer: Muhamadun, published in the newspaper Jakarta, June 16, 2010.
Book DetailsTitle: THE EINSTEIN GIRLAuthor: Philip SingtonPublisher: VerandaEdition: 1, June 2010Thickness: 525 p.


Samin Public Interest 

Japanese hamlet, one of the hamlet of nine hamlets in the village Margomulyo located in forest areas has an area of ​​74, 733 hectares. About a distance of 4.5 kilometers from the capital Margomulyo District, 69 kilometers west-south direction more or less with the distance between 2 to 2.5 hour trip by road from the capital city of Bojonegoro and 259 kilometers from the provincial capital of East Java (Surabaya).
Samin community living in the village, is a figure or figures Oran staunch old-timers who fought against the Dutch Colonial with a movement known as Saminisme Movement, led by Ki Samin Surosentiko. In the Community Samin there is no term to help the Dutch Pemerinrtah such as refusing to pay taxes, do not want to work together, do not want to sell let alone give the produce to the Dutch Government. Principle in the fight against Dutch colonial through planting Saminisme teachings which means sami-sami amin (together) are reflected and underpinned by strength, honesty, equality and simplicity.
The attitude of their struggle can be seen from the profiles of people cumin lifestyle property that is not lying, not a stooge Netherlands, working hard, praying, fasting and charity to others. The expressions are often taught, among others: his birth that runs along the inner disclosed that said patient, nrimo, Rilo and trokal (hard work), do not want to harm others is expressed in the attitude of selfless gawe ing crowded and always be careful in spoke expressed 'Ojo Waton way, way kang ning maton'. Location Samin community (hamlet Japan) has the prospect to be developed into an object or Special Interest Tour Cultural Tour Samin community through the development of Tourism Homestay with the package Samin community. The interesting thing in this package is that the tourists can enjoy the ambience and lifestyle of Samin community distinctiveness.For the pilot, a policy that has been done is through the arrangement of villages and provision of basic social amenities.


Samin community are in some villages in the subdistrict of Ngambon, Tambakrejo, and Ngraho Bojonegoro District, the largest developing in the Village District Tapelan Ngraho. Evolved since the 1900s that was originally pioneered by a man named Soerosamin comes from the Village District Plosorejo Randublatung Blora regency. Because people following the teachings in their daily Soerosamin, it is generally called Samin community, namely people who want a free and independent life area - size is not the limit, think of himself as a hero, against the Dutch government. In his life is not gossipy, or otherwise interfere with another party they do not know the term means stealing them very honestly. Samin people just like to run the commands of others and even then implemented in leterlik (Wantah) is holding fast to the word - a word used at the time of birth to rule according to the meaning of the word by not using another interpretation.They do not like the Dutch, but at present they like the government of the Republic of Indonesia because, according to his opinion they are ruled by their own brothers. Samin community have a character like hard work, satisfied with the work itself as a farmer and a job usually carried out collectively (mutual cooperation). Some of the things that are considered important by society Samin namely: 

1. Date 1 Sura is considered a great day and celebrated with brokohan salvation.2. After validation / determination of marriage, their parents and enliven brokohan carry her marriage with puppet shows or art buggy. 3. If any community member who passed away they only carry out burials only, do not proceed with the reading prayers and others - others as commonly carried out by our society (Islam). Because they are closely related to other people so long - eventually people Samin began to get influence and adjust. In 1988 the Research and Development Committee Historical anniversaries Bojonegoro Regency Samin said that the number of residents in the village there are about 250 Tapelan Soul. Samin Public chronology: 1. 1859, Samin Soerosantika born in the Village District Ploso Kediren Randublatung Blora regency, son of Kyai Keti of Rajekwesi, Eyangnya named Prince Koesoemingajoe 2. In 1903, the resident reported that someone Samin some 722 people from 34 villages in the south Blora regency, Bojonegoro, Ngawi and Grobogan together - just learn the doctrine Samin. 3. In 1905, people started leaving Samin way - a way of life in the village, not deposited into the paddy rice barns and if paying taxes is not a liability but the form of sponsorship or volunteering. 4. 1906, Samin teachings spread Apex expanded to the south which was pioneered by the child and the law Soerosamin Soerohidin and Karsiyah. 5. 1907, Soerosentika discarded by the Dutch to Padang for fear of the rapid development of the doctrine Samin. 6. At the end of the 1930 school Samin movement began to decline the number of followers, in the era of the Japanese government understands Samin told again not much but after independence the Samin appeared again. This chronology is quoted from the book History of Day of Bojonegoro, according to a report in Jepara, Tuban Assistant Resident in 1911.

Wrong Our Education System?

Its lively student enrollment of all school levels are currently making ourselves a little pensive look at the hustle and bustle of the candidates - prospective students and guardians go to and fro to seek the desired school is a school favorite and usually fought over the "Tunas Bangsa" it. We can see, it confused the prospective student wants to get their school. Many of the problems that come over and make them not be able to enter the school they want even to be forced out of school. Most all of it due to a classic problem faced by prospective students' parents, that is money! Indeed many of the problems associated with money, from the Dutch colonial era until now, money is always associated with problems - problems like a middle man and we're talking today about a new school for the young generation of Indonesia, in particular Bojonegoro. Unfinished new school issue for parents of students, since a few years ago came back a program that is considered as a 'breakthrough' in education in Indonesia is pioneering RSBI or international school. Whether true or not, this program was deemed the more incriminating the parents even sounded brilliant * for people - people who ber'uang '. Until now has not seen significant development of the school - the school who holds a RSBI.Schools that of the first 'has been' finally gets accomplished RSBI title "earlier" than other schools, because it is not impossible that one day all schools in Bojonegoro will hold RSBI even higher, SBI, international school. Before discussing the issue of education, etc. RSBI. Further, I remembered my friend who told jokes are Stubs School RSBI International fare. (a play-ed) ... hehe ..Although just a play, I was thinking there was something in it guyonannya. I myself sometimes think, is ultimately what I'm going to school?. Because the school is "he" is able to bring generations - the nation's best generation of students who actually makes a lot of saturated (including me). For those of you who never been to school may also have felt the same. As disciples "in Indonesia", I feel no different from the colonial period romusha in Japan, only the School has been the scene of forced labor of the people applying to frame a more modern packaging. Within the school (from 4th grade education to graduate education) taught us nothing more as the gold-brained workers and horsepower.How not? Every day it occurred to the task - a task that a lot, mostly just a "rote & CALCULATION". Is so "great" her brain so that only weighed 2 Indonesia's problem? And unfortunately, our educational system are rarely taught moral pelajarn to be manifested in daily life - today. Is not in our intercourse with the social lingungan never use formulas and theories? Is not "The best teacher is experience"? Indonesia why people feel trapped in an equalizing average ability?.Let me explain briefly through the story here: "One day in the land animals, the Lion as the king tried to make its people more progress by creating a school program called the beast. All the animals seemed enthusiastic with the program, and they felt this was a slap from the King to improve their lives ". His name is a program, certainly has a rule - certain rules.But after the program was run for several months, what happened? domestic animals actually experienced a strange, almost all the animals lose their ability actually. Apparently, after investigation, all of it thanks to a program of the school of their king animals. School of animals would also have a rule called the Curriculum. In the curriculum that all animals are expected to have basic abilities of animals such as swimming, running, flying, singing, etc.. Due to the curriculum, now rabbit could not run as fast as before because he had to take a course because of its ability to swim less, Eagle could not fly as high as before because they have to sing a course for the same reason, etc.. and courses to cover the 'shortage' is more time consuming than hone their 'excess' them. Finally, slowly, their advantages eroded by the curriculum. " Not intend to equate ourselves with animals, but can we say that the leveling had to make our own ability to lose the advantages that have been granted by God to us. From our education system too, we have been taught to be a slave worker.Our elementary school diploma to be able to get to junior high school, junior high to high school diploma, high school diploma to the University, the University diploma for "FIND WORK". Be our employee / worker who always expect a salary security of our superiors. We do not dare take the risk of wrong for our lives better. Because of our education from childhood has always taught us to NEVER WRONG. Be we men are not willing to take risks to go wrong and fail. Because before doing anything, first we have felt the shadow - the shadow of failure in our future. In fact, the "imagery of the failure has thwarted many more people than the failure itself"-Mario Teguh. That is the fear people will shadow - the shadow of failure that has led many to fail first before he did because it was felt that he would fail, finally did so he did not do anything. Maybe if Bill Gates lived in Indonesia would say a minimum of 'stupid', how stupid do not? Instead he chose to drop out of college at the University of prominent only for the sake of his hobby mengutak - tweaking software that eventually gave birth to the world's largest enterprise Windows and Microsoft Corporation. All he does because he dared to take a risk or taking risks, a lesson not taught in school. Especially with the education system like in Indonesia. We often assume that people who do not attend school is an uneducated person. And assuming it was 99.9% one, outside, many people 'uneducated' is even more successful, more wealthy than the 'educated' because that is not educated even get a lesson straight from God through the experience - the experience of life. In fact I once read an article from a well-known motivator of "People vs. Stupid. People Pinter, who actually stupid? "There is written:" when people are clever elementary school, playing moron. When people are clever junior high school, stupid people studying outside, when the clever high school, stupid people start looking for work experience, when people are clever college, stupid people have a career, when the clever people looking for work, happy moron employment, when a crisis occurs, people - clever people got together and mendemo moron to raise their salaries. While the clever people crowded march, there remains a decision on a moron as a senior. Up here, the more ambiguous definition between clever and stupid people. Which do you choose? 

2 Oct 2011

King of Saudi Arabia The Brave

King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is the head of the country's most popular to date. He had been named as Man of the Year 1974 version of TIME magazine, a leading mass media in the United States. However, the coronation was not due to Faisal favored the American public, but instead he is a person who never make dizzy the American government, almost making the country's crippled by the oil embargo initiated.His full name is Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Faisal Al-Saud. He was born in April 1906. Faisal is the son of King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud dynasty founder Saudiyah in the Arabian Peninsula, and founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.Faisal is also a direct descendant of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, the founder of religious thought Wahabiyah, through his mother. Wahabiyah is a movement of religious reformation and purification of Islam that became the main proponent of the King Abdul Aziz when establishing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Faisal education is primarily religious education. Among his family he was quite prominent. His first debut was a time in his teenage years, ie at the age of 13 years, Faisal chance to become the first person in her family who visited England and France, after World War I. There he was awarded the medal of St.. St. George and the medals.Michael from the King of England.At the age of 16 years Faisal believed to be the leader of an expedition to quell the rebellion of a tribe in Asir, Hejaz southern part. Then at age 19 years he served as commander of the troops who seized the city of Jeddah from the Hashemite tribe, a rival dynasty of Saudi Arabia.His father raised Faisal became Viceroy of the Hejaz in 1926. After that in 1930 he was appointed foreign minister. Faisal military career peaked in 1934 with a rapid promotion after winning Hoderida harbor during a brief war against Yemen.He went to the United States for the first time at the commencement of World War II.Faisal returned after the war ended in 1945. He participated in the founding of the United Nations (UN) in San Francisco on October 24, 1945 as the representative of Saudi Arabia.When his father, Abdul Aziz, died in 1953, named Saud Faisal's brother in his place.Saud Faisal became crown prince. A year later, in 1954, Faisal was appointed as Prime Minister.A severe financial crisis the government in 1958 encouraged the transfer of full administrative power to Faisal. Saud so only as a symbol.In 1964, Saud finally descended from his throne, replaced Faisal. The new king then enthusiastically work to unite the Islamic world and the Arab world, to become outstanding leaders in the Islamic world and the Arab world.One important role is also gave birth to the birth of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). It is driven by a strong desire to unite the Islamic world and strengthen the Muslim brotherhood.Faisal is known as a righteous king and very concerned about the welfare of its people.One of the first steps of the program for the welfare of its people Faisal is to'rumah' the people. This is because the majority of its people are the ones who have Badwi nomadic lifestyle (sedentary living) in the desert. Faisal argued this way of life is hard to make people prosperous.For that Faisal build infrastructure in the form of paved roads, adequate housing and job opportunities in various fields for all of his people. Faisal also made reforms in education. Women had not given the opportunity to enter school. Since the reign of Faisal encouraged women to school. "... For the first time we encourage girls to study in public schools," said King Faisal, as quoted by National Geographic magazine, January 1966 edition.With the establishment of modern asphalt roads in the deserts of Saudi Arabia in the desert then the journey becomes much shorter. An earlier trip to be taken 3-4 days to only 6-7 hours. Of course this was getting the wheels of the economy. The traffic became increasingly crowded. Buildings, apartments, and hotels stand in no time. The sight was so dominated the skies of Mecca, Medina, Jeddah, and Riyadh.In the early days of government Faisal was also discovered new oil fields in Saudi Arabian waters, especially off the coast of the city of Dhahran. Penempuan is clearly positive impact on development programs launched by King Faisal. The discovery of black gold was confirming the promise of Allah in the Quran, "If a resident of a country faithful and righteous, God will lower the blessings of heaven and earth."Since then Saudi Arabia became the country with the largest petroleum resource in the world. The entire Middle East in 1968 produced 3.8 billion barrels per year, the largest in the world. Unexploited oil reserves are 248 billion barrels. Her nearest rival is the Africa that 42.5 billion barrels of oil reserves.Circumstances that make the countries in the Middle East region has a high bargaining power in the political economy of oil against the Soviet Union and America. This is called oil weapon, because oil consumption is the highest of industrialized countries, America, Japan and continental Europe.In the Six Day War between Arab countries against Israel in June 1967, Saudi Arabia does not involve the army. But the government of the country's high economic subsidies to Arab nations that fight against Israel, namely Egypt, Jordan and Syria.In the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the second major war between the Arabs of Israel, Saudi Arabia back to take a big role in funding the war. The war was called the Yom Kippur War because the war took place during the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur.Sometimes called New Battle of Badr because it occurs during Ramadan.Thanks to the support, the Egyptian army which consists ari Ikwanul Muslim volunteers and regular army of Egypt produced a glorious victory. Israeli troops forced back from the east bank of the Suez Canal and forced back well from most of the Sinai Peninsula.This victory is also thanks to a great strategy. At the time of the Egyptian forces attacking from the west, at the same time, Iraqi and Jordanian troops attacked from the east, Syria and the Lebanese army from the north, as well as Palestinian militants from inside the cities in the occupied territories of Israel. Most of the costs of war are borne by Saudi Arabia.Because the United States and European industrialized countries known to be a full supporter of Israel, King Faisal, then use oil as a weapon of war. He led oil embargo on Western countries.As a result, industry and transportation in Western countries into chaos. Americans and Europeans long queue to get fuel. Fuel was rationed to Indonesia during the crisis. As a result, America was forced to suspend aid to Israel.To overcome the crisis of U.S. President Richard Nixon to intervene directly. He immediately went to King Faisal in the country in June 1974 and asked him to call for oil embargo and the cessation of the Arab-Israeli war. With full Izzah Raja Faisal said, "There will be no peace sebalum Israel return of Arab lands seized in 1967!" Nixon eventually return home with no results.The rejection was clearly made Americans feel furious. Secretly, they planned an operation to get rid of King Faisal. On March 25, 1975 Faisal's death, murdered by his own nephew in his palace. The official investigation claimed the killing was done alone.But many people believe, America was at war with the CIA for masterminding the murder.Farewell, O king of fair and courageous. May God put you together with the martyrs in His Garden. And Allaah knows best-bish shawab. (Great Personal / SHW).

Story of prophet Saleh as

Thamud is the name of a tribe that by some historians put a portion of the Arabs, and others classify them into the Jewish nation. They reside on a plateau called "Alhijir" located between the Hijaz and Sham formerly colonized and controlled including Aad tribe that has swept utterly perish in the tornado that sent by God as a retaliation for their defiance and denial in the propagation and minutes of Prophet Hud AS
Prosperity and the luxuries of life and natural wealth previously owned and enjoyed by the Aad has been inherited by the Tsamud.Tanah-fertile land that produces abundant, animals and the fat cow of the breed, flower gardens, beautiful-beautiful yag , the building houses built on level ground and dipahatnya of gunung.Semuanya that make them live peaceful, prosperous and bahgia, feel safe from any natural disturbance and bahawa luxury they would be eternal life for them and their children.
Thamood not know God. God They are the idols which they worship and devotion, to him berqurban mrk, mrk place for protection from all calamities and expect reinforcements and goodness and kebahagiaan.Mrk no one can see or think further and what is interchangeable with the sensuous mrk coverage.

Nabi Saleh preach to Thamood
Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful will not let the servant hamba_Nya are in constant darkness without a hand being raised His messengers to inform and lead mrk out of a false path to the right path. Similarly God will not doom and seksaan down to a race before mrk petunjukkan warned and given by him with the mediation of a chosen to be His messenger and apostle. This applies also to sunnatullah Thamud, which the mrk has diutuskan Nabi Saleh who has chosen a tribe mrk his own, from a prominent family and respected by his people, well-known agile, wise, humble and hospitality in the association.
Mrk introduced by the Prophet Saleh to sepatut mrk worship God, the Lord God Almighty, who has created mrk, mrk create natural surroundings, creating fertile soils that produce subsistence BHN BHN-mrk, creating animals that provide benefits and useful for mrk and thus giving to mrk the pleasures and luxuries of life and happiness born and batin.Tuhan the One that should be worshiped and not mrk statues mrk chisel itself from volcanic rocks that have no power to give something to the mrk or mrk protect from fear and danger.
Nabi Saleh warned that he adlah mrk mrk a DRP, established between himself and their family ties and blood. Mark is his people and his relatives and he is the collateral and the tribes with mrk.Ia expect kindness and benevolence, and occasionally for mrk mrk will not plunge into things that will bring harm, misery and destruction to mrk. He explained to mrk that It was the office boy and messenger of God, and what is taught and preached God's message to mrk is to convey to him for the good of mrk mrk mrk during life and after death mrk in the hereafter. He expects his people to consider and really think about what he calls, and encourage and to mrk leave offerings to the idols and believe in faith in Allah the Almighty said, repent and ask His forgiveness for their sins and shirk that during this have been mighty close to lakukan.Allah mrk mrk mrk listen to prayers and to give forgiveness to the one when asked.
Terperanjatlah Saleh hear the appeal and his message that the mrk is a new thing that is not expected to come from relatives or children mrk sendiri.Maka Concurrent ditolaklah Prophet Saleh's invitation and said they to him: "O Salih! We know a skilled, agile and smart, sharp fikiranmu and opinions and all the consideration you are always right. In you we see signs of virtues and praiseworthy qualities. We expect from you is actually to memimpinkami resolve the complicated things that we are dealing with, give guidance in the matter- dark matter for us and a follow-up and our trust in times of crisis we are facing and kesusahan.Akan but all hope it to be slipped and slid our trust to you today with your behavior and follow-horn that violates the customs and procedures of our lives. Is that you call on us? Enkau requires that we abandon our offerings and our ancestors, and religious offerings that have become our flesh into sebahagian our lives since we were born and remains a grip for the long-lamanya.Kami occasionally will not abandon him because Allah as Muslims and we will not follow the perverted it. We do not believe in conversation kosongmu kenabianmu even dubious. We will not disobey our ancestors by leaving offerings and follow your trail mrk. "
Nabi Saleh warned them not to oppose it and to follow his call faith in God who has extensive mengurniai mrk sustenance and livelihood are prosperous. Mrk story told to the clans that got seksa and Wrath of God as opposed to His apostles and reject His message. Something similar is happening in the above interchangeable if mrk mrk mahu not accept his message and hear his advice, he gives a sincere and honest as a member of a large family mrk and who do not expect or demand wages that DRP mrk for his efforts. He just delivered God's message assigned to him and God who will give him wages and reward for his efforts to give leadership and demands to mrk.
A minority of the kebanyakkannya Thamud composed of people who are preaching receives a weak social position of Prophet Saleh and believe in him, while the largest sebahagian mrk chiefly belonging to the rich and the head office remained obstinate and arrogant and refusing to deny the prophethood of Prophet Saleh and said to him: "O Salih! We think that you have been possessed by Satan and exposed sihir.Engkau has become insane and suffering from dementia.'ve changed your mind and fikiranmu already messed up so that you have been issued with no conscious utterance of words that make no sense and maybe you yourself do not understand it. You claim that you have diutuskan by the Lord as His prophets and apostles. Is the DRP our strong suit so that you have selected all the apostles, but there are those among us who is more worthy and more cekap to be a prophet or messenger DRP you. Your goal with an empty talk and your words just to pursue the position and was appointed to the head and leader of kaummu.Jika you feel that you adviser and advisory body mind and confess that you do not have direction and purpose shrouded in dakwahmu It will stop broadcasting yourselves with your new religion and insult our offerings sendiri.Kami fathers will not follow your way and leave the roads that have been taken by our old people first.
Prophet Salih replied: "I have repeatedly told you that I was not expecting anything in return for my efforts drpmu tuntunandan lighting gives to you. I do not expect wages or crave power and position for this effort that I do solely on the orders of Allah DRP and his future I expect in return and reward for it. And how I can follow you and menterlantarkan tasks and mandate of God to me, and I Talah obtain tangible evidence of the truth once in a while you would expect bahawa dakwahku.Jgnlah I would violate my Lord commands and dereliction of duty to him merely to continue offering our ancestors were false. Who will protect me from the wrath and punishment of God if I do that? Surely, you will only hurt and destroy me with Allah as Muslims it. "
After a failed and successful efforts to stop the preaching of Prophet Saleh and saw he was even more keen to attract people to follow him and side with the leaders and leaders Thamud trying to stem the flow of his message about the increasingly heard about the attention, especially from among subordinates in a public medium. Mark against the Prophet Saleh and to prove the truth of his prophecy with a proof of miracles in the form of objects or extraordinary events that are beyond human power.
Giving To God's Miracles of the Prophet Saleh U. S.
Bahawa Nabi Saleh conscious opposition of his people who demand proof of a miracle drpnya it is aimed at eliminating the influence and was about to completely eroded his authority in the eyes of his people, especially his followers when he failed to meet the demands of opposition and mrk. Nabi Saleh replied by demanding the opposition mrk mrk appointment with a miracle if he managed to bring the mrk mrk requested that would leave the religion and the offering mrk and will follow the Prophet Saleh and believe in him.
In accordance with the requests and instructions leaders Thamud Nabi Saleh pray ask God to give him a miracle to prove the truth of his message and simultaneously break the resistance and opposition of his people who still insist it's head. He begged of God with His power to create a female camel issuance of the stomach of a large rock that terdpt on the side of a hill which they appoint. Then a moment later with the permission of Allah the Almighty Creator again split the designated rock and out of the belly of a camel.
By pointing to the animals just out of the belly boulder mrk said Nabi Saleh told: "Here she camel of Allah, do not bother and let him find his own food on earth God he has a turn to mendptkan drinking water and you have to turn mendptkan drink for you and for ternakanmu well and know that God will lower his doom when you're up to disturb these animals. " Then berkeliaranlah camel in the fields eating grass heard about as he pleased without interference. And when their turn arrives drinking camel's go into a cistern cistern camel named Y and drink his heart's content. And in the days of Prophet Saleh's camel's turn came to drink no other beast dare him, which creates a feeling things are not happy with the animal owners who increasingly feel that the presence of Prophet Saleh's camel in the middle they are a bother like transverse spines on the throat.
With the success of the miracles of Prophet Saleh mendtgkan mrk leaders demanded gagallah Thamud in his attempt to overthrow the honor and eliminate pegaruh Nabi Saleh has added a thick contrary beliefs of his followers and disappeared many doubts of his kind. So dihasutlah by mrk farm owners who feel annoyed and unhappy with the presence of Prophet Saleh's camel is rampant in the fields and gardens as well as feared by mrk pets.
Prophet Saleh's camel Killed
Conspiracy organized by the people of Thamud to regulate the design of the murder of Prophet Saleh's camel. And while people are still overshadowed by fear of punishment which was threatened by the prophet Saleh disturbed when his camel on the side of encouragement is a strong desire to eradicate the beast of the earth mrk, there was suddenly a wealthy dowager who offers to surrender himself to whom are interchangeable camel kills Saleh. In addition there was a widow of another woman who has some beautiful daughter offers will award one of the daughters of his daughter to the man who managed to kill the camel.
Two kinds of Y tantalizing prize of two women in addition to incitement Thamud leaders invited the two men named Mushadda 'bin bin Salif Gudar Muharrij and packing will commit murder to achieve the promised reward in addition to flattery and praise that will be received from the infidel Thamud tribe when the camel of Prophet Salih was killed. With the help of seven men again set hide it in a place where usually passed by a camel on its way to the cistern It was taking place. And the camels are so innocent then immediately arrows calves by Musadda 'followed by Gudar to stick a sword in his stomach.
With a grand sense of pride and go the camel's killer to the capital to break the news of the demise of the camel of Prophet Salih heard about welcoming cheers and cries of delight from the idolaters as if mrk returning from war with a glorious victory. Mrk said to the Prophet Salih: "O Salih! Camel has amti killed, cubalah will bring what you say first will be a threat if the camel was being bullied, if you actually include people who are too true in her words."
Prophet Salih replied: "I've warned you, that God will lower his doom on you if you disturb the camels. So with the killing of a camel that then you will wait for the arrival of the Wrath of God Talah has promised and I have to tell kamu.Kamu against God and accept the future due to the-Nya.Janji tentanganmu God will not miss. You may rejoice and have fun for three days then please accept ganjaranmu in kind on the fourth day. Thus the will of God and His taqdir delayed or not retrievable prevented. "
There is a possibility according to the commentators that while God through His apostle prophet Saleh gave it three days to give a chance, just in case mrk conscious of their sin and repent ask for forgiveness and faith in the Prophet Salih to his treatise. But in reality tempoh three days would be even ridiculed the Prophet Saleh is opposed to speed up the coming doom, and not have to be suspended three days.
Azab falling Allah Promised
Nabi Saleh told his people that God's punishment that will befall on the mrk will be preceded by the signs, namely on the first day when mrk woke mrk will meet face to yellow and turn red and black on the second day on the third day and on day The fourth fell of a painful doom of God. Mendebgar threat of punishment is notified by the Prophet Salih to his people, a group of nine people is a camel designed a group of killers killing of Saleh Nabu precede the arrival of doom that threatened itu.Mrk rahsia meeting and vowed to carry out the design with the murder at night, when people still demands a deep sleep to avoid blood countered by the family of the Prophet Saleh, if known identiti mrk as the killer. The design of this mrk dirahsiakan so it is not known and heard by anyone except the ninth one's own.
Mrk when it comes to where the Prophet Salih to carry out his evil design in the pitch-black night and silent-silent berjatuhanlah over their heads huge rocks that are not known from which direction it came from and who instantly mrk lay on the ground in a state of lifeless So God has His apostles protect the evil deeds of His servants who disbelieve. One day before the day of doom downs that have been determined, with the permission of Allah, Nabi Saleh departed with his faithful followers to Ramlah, a spot on the Palestinians, leaving Hijir and its inhabitants, Thamud perish, lightning struck a powerful hand in hand with a terrible earthquake.
In the story of Prophet Saleh Al-Quran
The story of Prophet Saleh told by 72 verses in 11 chapters of which sura Al-A'raaf, verses 73 to 79, sura "Hud" verse 61, so clause 68 and sura "Al-Qamar" verse 23, so clause 32.
Teaching From the story of Prophet Saleh U. S.
Outstanding teaching interchangeable learned from the story of Prophet Saleh is that sin and unjust acts committed by a small group of citizens interchangeable negatively affect society and to destroy it entirely. See how Thamud be destroyed, devastated and even wiped from the earth because of sin and God's commandment violations committed by a handful of killer camel of Prophet Salih AS This is where lies the wisdom of God commands us to do amar nahi wrongdoing kindness. Because by doing tasks amar nahi wrongdoing kindness which becomes fard kifaya that, at least if you do not succeed forbidding that occur in society and our protection, we have freed ourselves from sin approve or condone unjust actions that
Being passive indifference to vice and munkar prevailing in front of the eye can diertikan as approval and penyekutuan against unjust acts that.