13 Oct 2011


Rain is a form of precipitation in the form of liquid. Precipitation itself can be either solid (eg, snow and hail) or aerosol (such as dew and fog). Rain forms when separate drops fell to earth from the clouds. Not all rain water to the surface of the earth because some evaporates while falling through dry air. Rain type is called virga.Rain plays an important role in the hydrological cycle. Lembaban from the sea evaporated, turned into the clouds, gathered into clouds, then fall back to earth, and finally returned to the sea through rivers and streams to repeat the original recycling.

Standard rain gaugeThe amount of rain was measured using a rain gauge or ombrometer. He stated as the depth of water that collects on a flat surface, and measured approximately 0.25mm. Precipitation according to the SI unit is the millimeter, which is an abridgement of liters per square meter.Precipitation is often described as a form of "oval", width below and shrink above, but this is not appropriate. Precipitation of small nearly spherical. Large rainwater becomes increasingly flat, like hamburger buns; rainwater larger umbrella-shaped plunge. Rainwater falling faster large versus smaller rainwater.Some cultures have formed hate to rain and has created various equipment such as umbrellas and rain clothes. Many people are also more like to stay indoors on rainy days.Usually had higher levels of acid rain pH 6. Precipitation with a pH below 5.6 is considered acid rain.Many people assume that the smell in the rain is considered fragrant or fun. The source of this odor is petrichor, essential oils produced by plants, then absorbed by rocks and soil, and then released into the air when it rains.The types of rainFor the purposes of study or practical, differentiated according to the occurrence of rain, grain size, or rainfall.The types of rain based on the occurrence• Rain siklonal, the rain that occurs because hot air rises along with rotating winds.• Rain zenithal, ie rainfall in the area around the equator, a result of meetings with the Wind Pasat Northeast Southeast winds Pasat. Then the wind was rising and forming clouds around the equator resulting clouds become saturated and the rain descended.• orographic rain, the rain that occurred because of wind that contain water vapor which moves horizontally. The wind was up into the mountains, the air temperature cools, causing condensation. There was rain in the surrounding mountains.• frontal rain, ie rain which occurs when cold air masses meet with a hot air mass.Meeting place between the two masses are called fronts field. Because the heavier colder air mass at the bottom. In the vicinity of the front area of ​​heavy rain is often the case, called the frontal rain.• Rain monsoon or rainy season, the rainy season which occurs due to wind (monsoon). The cause of the monsoon is due to the movement of the Sun's annual apparent between the Lines Behind the Lines Behind the North and South. In Indonesia, monsoon rains occur from October through April. While in East Asia occurred in May through August. Monsoon cycle is what causes the rainy season and dry season.
The types of rain on grain size• light rain / Drizzle, grain diameter of less than 0.5 mm• The snow, composed of ice crystals where the temperature is below 0 ° Celsius• Rain hail, hail the trun flow in hot weather from the clouds where the temperature below 0 ° Celsius• Heavy rain / rain, the water flow down from the clouds with temperatures above 0 ° Celsius with a diameter of ± 7 mm.

The types of rain based on the amount of rainfall (definition BMKG)• rain medium, 20-50 mm per day• heavy rain, 50-100 mm per day• very heavy rain, over 100 mm per dayartificial rainOften water needs can not be met from natural rainfall. So people create a technique to increase rainfall by providing treatment in the cloud. This treatment is called artificial rain (rain-making), or often called cloud seeding (cloud-seeding).Artificial rain is a human endeavor to enhance the precipitation falls naturally by changing the physical processes that occur inside the cloud. Physical processes that can be changed include the collision and merging processes (collision and coalescense), the process of ice formation (ice nucleation). So it is clear that the artificial rain was not creating something out of nothing. To apply the effort required the availability of artificial rain clouds that have a sufficient water content, so the rain can occur to the ground.Materials used in the artificial rain is called seedling material.


The atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding a planet, including Earth, the planet's surface until far in outer space. On earth, the atmosphere contained from 0 km altitude above ground level, up to about 560 km from the earth's surface. The atmosphere is composed of several layers, named after the phenomenon that occurs in the layer. Transitions between the layers to one another takes place gradually. The study of the atmosphere at first made to solve the weather problems, the phenomenon of refraction of the sun at sunrise and sinks, and flashing star kelipnya. With sensitive equipment mounted on the vehicle outer space, we can gain a better understanding of the following atmospheric phenomena that occur in it.Earth's atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78.17%) and oxygen (20.97%), with a little argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (variable, but approximately 0.0357%), water vapor and other gases. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun and reducing temperature extremes between day and night.75% of the atmosphere is in 11 km from the planet's surface.The atmosphere has no abrupt boundary, but rather thinned gradually by increasing altitude, there is no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.TroposphereThis layer is at the lowest level, the ideal gas mixture to sustain life on earth. In this layer protected the life of the shock radiation emitted by celestial objects other.Compared with other atmospheric layer, this layer is the thinnest (approximately 15 kilometers from ground level). In this layer, almost all types of weather, sudden temperature changes, wind, pressure and humidity that we experience daily progress.The lowest elevation is the warmest part of the troposphere, because the Earth's surface absorbs heat radiation from the sun and distribute the heat into the air.Usually, if the altitude increases, air temperature will decrease steadily (steady), from about 17 ℃ to -52 ℃. In particular the earth's surface, such as mountainous areas and highlands can cause anomalies on the temperature gradient.Between the stratosphere and troposphere there is a layer called layer Tropopouse.StratosphericGradual shift from the troposphere to the stratosphere starts from a height of about 11 km. Temperatures in the stratosphere of the most under relatively stable and very cold - 70oF or about - 57oC. In this layer of very strong winds occur with a certain flow pattern. High clouds type cirrus sometimes occur at the bottom, but no significant weather patterns that occur in this layer.From the middle of the stratosphere and above, the pattern of temperature change becomes increasingly growing up, due to increased concentrations of ozone layer is increased. This ozone layer absorbs ultra-violet radiation. The temperature in this layer can reach about 18oC at an altitude of about 40 km. Stratopause separates the stratosphere layer with the next layer.MesosphereApproximately 25 miles or 40km above the earth's surface there is a transition layer to layer mesosphere. In this layer, the temperature again falls as altitude increases, up to about - 143oC near the top of this layer, ie less than 81 km above the Earth's surface. This allows the temperature as low as noctilucent clouds occur, which are formed of ice crystals.ThermosphereTransition from the mesosphere to the thermosphere begins at an altitude of about 81 km. Named after the thermosphere due to the rise in temperature is quite high at this layer is about 1982oC. This change occurs because the absorption of ultra violet radiation. This radiation causes chemical reactions to form electrically charged layer known as the ionosphere, which can reflect radio waves. Before the advent of the satellite era, this layer is useful to help emit radio waves over long distances.Aurora phenomenon also known as the northern lights or southern lights happen here.ExosphereThe existence of the reflection of sunlight reflected by meteoritic dust particles. The reflected sunlight is also referred to as light ZodiakalThe composition of the Earth's atmosphere

Atmospheric constituent gasesThe atmosphere is composed by:• Nitrogen (78%)• Oxygen (21%)• Argon (1%)• Water (0-7%)• Ozone (0-0,01%)• Carbon dioxide (0,01-0,1%)

PRAZZER-Hazards of Chemical Substances For the Body

Hazards of Chemical Substances For the Body 
bathroom with bath products is a natural herbal body scrub spa treatment activities are very important today. 
When the environment we have been swarmed by a variety of harmful pollutants. That every day the wind on my face, hair and body, without realizing it has brought various types of chemicals, including various types of heavy metals and carbon monoxide that are dangerous to health kulit.Segala pollutants circulating around us as a side effect of technological progress and should be resisted by the industry body scrub spa baths from the outset. In case this is our skin protects the body by using a bath-care products herbal body scrub that not only softens, but must also be able to scrub spa detoxification of toxic substances that attach to each day on the skin that do care kita.Untuk scrubs spa bath has now become a necessity. Not just a trend or a spa scrubs scrubs scrubs bandwagon.Because scrub scrub has proven very beneficial in treating skin of our bodies.Keeping the softness. Scrub and scrub out all the free radicals that are attached to the skin. 

In addition to cleaning the skin, the active substances contained in scrubs natural spa also has many benefits. For example, scrub scrub milk which is believed to nourish the skin in depth, especially for skin that tends to be very dry. Or chocolate body scrub spa scrub to smooth powerful turns all skin types. Even herbal bath made clear glowing skin. There are also bath scrubs scrubs black sticky rice that will erode the dead skin cells safely. So the skin becomes bright and exotic looks. And many more properties of various types of spa bath spa scrubs active substance to another. This herbal bath that we discuss in more detail in a separate part of the other shower scrubs. 

Now, most importantly, make herbal bath or spa bath as part of our lives. To clean and care for our skin. Because bathed in scrubs scrubs as important as bathing and brushing your teeth. 

Everyone always wanted a life lived is a healthy life is mirrored by a healthy environment. Therefore maintaining a healthy environment has become the duty of all people not just the government. If you want to have a healthy life we ​​must begin by way of instilling a healthy lifestyle for themselves first, family one child who must be inculcated from an early age about the dangers of smoking, so that later on they were not affected by their environment to become smokers.

Lately active smoking habits in children cenderuing increase. 
When the first age of the child dared to smoke when in junior high, now it can be found elementary school children grades 4 has started many a meroko secretly. In fact, consumption of cigarettes from an early age can lead to smoking habits are hard to stop, as well as the risk to health or the environment. In addition can also be a gateway for children to consume drugs. For passive smoking, children who grow up in the environment that a lot of cigarette smoke also have the same risk of disease, if exposed to cigarette smoke for long periods of time. The report, The Jakarta Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2000, showed as much as 89 percent of students aged 13-15 years have sucked cigarette smoke in public environments, public and bronchitis are at risk of suffering from disease, pheumonia, as well as middle ear disease.

Chronic lung disease in the elderly adults proved to be a result of cigarette smoke exposure in childhood, childhood health damage that will be followed by damage to their health in adulthood. 
It means the destruction of productivity for themselves and for society, because it's since the late '60s in the United States carried out a number of smoking cessation programs in schools starting from primary school level.

If the Americans have done it a long time, why Indonesia has not issued a ban on smoking in children. 
The high number of smokers at a young age and children, among others, due to the effect that with the incessant ads promoting tobacco products. Departing from the ad children under the age of 18 years have not been able to distinguish the rights which are considered good.

There is a tendency of self children imitate what is conveyed by the advertisement of a tobacco product, the condition was aggravated by the habit of smoking by parents. 
With the help of their parents are smokers to quit smoking, it is not only to prevent children becoming smokers, but also help to encourage teenagers to quit smoking.


Many studies show smoking increases the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease and vascular ganggguan disease, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence, and pregnancy disorders and defects in 
the fetus. Patients at high risk smokers also experience complications or difficulty of distinction including wound healing after plastic surgery and reconstruction, plastic surgery breast formation and operations involving members of the body, the bottom.

In fact, the smoking habits die hard and people are rarely recognized as a bad habit. 
Moreover, people who smoke to distract themselves from emotional stress and pressure, is more difficult to break away from this habit than smokers who do not have a background of depression.

Recent research also shows the dangers of second hand cigarette smoke is the smoke inhaled by people who are not being around smokers because smokers could also be called a second-hand smoke. 
Cigarettes can not be separated from the raw materials of manufacture of tobacco. In Indonesia, clove and tobacco plus other ingredients are mixed to the material made clove cigarettes. In addition to tobacco Cigarettes can also be used as a hand-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco).

The content in cigarette smoke that is inhaled? 
not less than 4000 toxic chemicals.These chemicals are released is composed of gas components (85 percent) and particles. Nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4 etilkatekol, ortokresol and perylene is in part of the thousands of substances in cigarettes.

Gaseous components of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acids hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. 
Particles of tar, indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol. These substances are toxic, irritant and cause cancer (carcinogens).

These substances endanger BODY AND HOW THEY

Nicotine is the substance most frequently discussed and researched people, nerve poisons the body, increases blood pressure, causing constriction of peripheral blood vessels and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. 
Levels of 4-6 mg of nicotine inhaled by adults every day can lead to addiction.

Lead (Pb) produced a cigarette as much as 0.5 ug. 
Pack of cigarettes (20 cigarettes content) which sucked in one day produce 10 ug. While the threshold of lead that enters the body is 20 mcg per day. It can be imagined when a heavy smoker smoked an average of 2 packs per day Roko, how many of these harmful substances into the body.

Gas carbon monoxide (CO) has a strong tendency to bind with hemoglobin in red blood cells. 
Should this hemoglobin binds with oxygen which is essential for respiration of body cells, but because the CO gas is stronger than the CO gas is oxygen then took his place side hemoglobin. Be hemoglobin coupled with CO gas.CO gas levels in the blood of nonsmokers less than 1 percent. While in the blood of smokers reach 4-15 percent.

Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke and solid components are carcinogens. 
At the time of cigarette tar inhaled into the mouth cavity as a dense vapor. After the cold will become solid and form a brown precipitate on the surface of the tooth, respiratory tract and lungs. Deposition was varied between 3-40mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes range from 24-45 mg


The oral cavity is very easily exposed to the harmful effects of smoking. 
Changes in the oral cavity is very reasonable because the mouth is the beginning of the absorption of substances from burning cigarettes. The temperature of cigarettes on the lips is 30 degrees C, whereas the burning cigarette tip temperature of 900 degrees C.

Hot smoke that blows continuously into the oral cavity is heat stimuli cause changes in blood flow and reduce expenses saliva. 
As a result of the oral cavity becomes dry and more an-aerobic thus providing a suitable environment for the growth of an-aerobic bacteria in plaque. By itself at great risk smokers infected with the bacteria that causes tooth supporting tissue disease than those who do not smoke.

Effect of cigarette smoke directly is irritation of the gums and indirectly through products such as nicotine cigarettes that have been entered through the bloodstream and saliva. 
Healthy teeth supporting tissues such as gums, lining of teeth, dental cements, and implantation of the bone where the teeth become damaged due to disruption of normal functioning of the body's defense mechanism against infection and can stimulate the body to destroy healthy tissue around it.

In smokers decreased immune substances (antibodies) contained in the saliva that is useful to neutralize the bacteria in the oral cavity and impaired function occurs, the immune cells of the body. 
Immune cells can not approach and eat the bacteria that attack the body's defense cells tubuhtidak more sensitive to changes around him also to infection.

Nicotine plays a role in the onset of tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by the oral soft tissues including the gums through the bloodstream and the attachment of gum to the tooth surface and roots. 
Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and metabolic outcome is kontinin can be found in the liquid gum.

Attachment of connective tissue and collagen fibers are blocked, so the process of healing and tissue regeneration after treatment interrupted. 
Chewing tobacco is often referred to as tanapa tobacco smoke appears to have become a trend and its products widely used by the young, athletic and elderly women in America. Chewing tobacco in Indonesia has become a habit long ago. Although smokeless tobacco chewing habit is suspected as the cause of white patches and oral cavity cancer.The disorder usually occurs on the cheeks, where smokeless tobacco is normally inserted.

9 Oct 2011



          Shrine was once the gathering place of the overseas or people - Chinese people.That the temple finally be a place of worshipThe name is taken from the pagodadistinctive voice that is always there in every pagoda.
          Lunar goal is dilakkukan every year is a manifestation of gratitude kepeda god for having given many giftsAnd the importance of gratitude is in order not to forgetthe Lord.
Every 1st and 15 at the count of Lunarperformed a ritual - a ritual routineIn everytemple has deities adoptedFor example the god of the earth (Hok tick ting sin),the god of justice, the god 

of compassion, etc.And in the pagoda Bojonegoroembraces the earth god.
Lunar has entered the current year to 2561so hu chu kong religion has existedbefore 2561 years agoThe color red is the color of the greatness of the Khonghu chu.
As for the name - the name adopted by Khong months hu chu namely:

Month 1: It jwee,
Month 2: Ji wee,
Month 3The jwee,
Month 4: Sigwe,
Month 5Gonggwe,
Month 6: Lakwe,
Month 7: Jitwee,
Month 8: Pekwee,
Month 9: Kongwee,
Month 10Sapwee,
Month 11: Cap it jwee,
Month 12Cap ji Gwee.

The spread of religion or belief Khong hu chu initially through trade conducted bythe Chinese people in IndonesiaAt the moment China VOC stands already inIndonesiaChina was the one who has helped Indonesia repel the invaders.



Lion Dance Popular Dances From Being a Legend Every time before the Chinese New Year arrives, the colorful face of a lion called lion dance (sometimes also referred to as liongsai) always appear everywhere.Similarly, in Indonesia. Since the reform era, dance dance lion dance became a common seen everywhere. Later dance lion dance is also often used as the theme of Chinese New Year advertisement on television Lion has a history thousands of years. The first record of this dance can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty around the third century BC. Chinese people believe the lion is the symbol of happiness and pleasure. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck the show so it is generally held on a variety of important events such as opening a restaurant, the establishment pagoda, and of course the new year celebration. Barongsai largely consists of two main types namely North Lions who have curly mane and four legs. Northern Lion appearance looks more natural and like a lion than a South Lions have scales and the number of feet that vary between two or four. Southern Lion head is equipped with horns that are sometimes similar to the animals 'Kilin'. Movement between the Lions and the Lions North South is also different. If the South is famous for its lion head movements hard and bobbing along with the beat of gongs and drums, the movement of the North Lions tend to be more agile and full of dynamics because it has four legs. The main movement of the lion dance Lion Dance is movement that takes an envelope containing money referred to as 'Lay See'. On top of the envelope is usually plastered with watercress vegetables that symbolize a gift to the Lion.Consuming process 'Lay See' - the term is widely used in Hong Kong takes about half part of the whole lion dance. In front of the Barong dancers usually there is also another dancer wearing a mask and carried a fan. This figure is called the Buddha. His job is to lead the Singa Barong to the place where the envelope containing the money saved.Those who want to get a big profit, generally competing to fill the envelope with jumlanh angpao a lot of money. 


The dragon as a creature who has good karma and have reached certain stage of spiritual life coaching, because they have train a very old spiritual formation. Spiritual attainment This makes the old dragon obtain blessings and the position that respectable.
Achievement and good karma that has the dragon, makes many 

dragon who had the opportunity to devote herself directly as a companion and protector of the Buddha, Bhodisatva, and the other holy beings. Often we see a picture Bodhisattva Kwan-Im was standing on a dragon that leads go where the Goddess.
The dragon has a variety of different races, and every race divided into two gender of men and women. Where is the dragon man horn has an enlarged upper section, but the dragon lady horn has a more slender and sometimes smaller section it.
In addition he has a beard dragon glittering like pearls on the chin and the neck. And the dragon lady will look different the shape of her nose, which is more straight. Chin and neck are not have a beard.
The symbolism of the dragon energy in the Fung-Shui energy is recognized as one a protector on the left and good luck with the energy carrier green or blue color symbolism. While on the right in energy symbolized by the tiger. The unification of the two energy inter- complement can form a good chi energy.
In the flow-Fung Shui symbolizes the wind direction and season, is known in terms of the Blue Dragon. Which means dragon east and is symbolism of the spring season, and the beginning of the year. White tiger means the tiger is the symbolic direction of west and west.
Dragon is one of the other natural beings in a very unique choose a location. They will not be any, can even say really very careful in assessing and taking into account location of residence. So the place and the location preferred by the dragon, will usually have a very high chi energy and good.
Pros of the dragon, which makes the dragon known have a lot of energy abundant blessings and fortune compared other creatures. Fung Shui Master so few that can be know the existence of dragons, will consider it as a advantages that are very positive.
Here are some examples of places that are preferred by the dragon:
1. Places where there are trees that once struck by lightning and burned. 2. At sea in the middle of the bay, the waves are usually characterized by motifs like dragon scales. 3. Near the beach that there are many prominent rock on the sea surface. 4. In a quiet, clean lake in the mountains or at the foot of the mountain. Fifth, in the cave, which often appears above rainbow or from in the mouth of the cave.
Because generally the preferred place of Naga are very closely related with the element of water. So a lot of contact with the dragon god of rain and Indra, god of thunder (li-kong). It is closely related by functional use shui element of water as a carrier energy blessings and wealth.
Coaching needed to become a dragon that is not easy, and time a very long time. One type comes from the snake water dragon. Water snake when have been meditating for 500 to 1000 years, will change a Snake-Fish (½ ½ Snake Fish) where the head is still a snake, but his body began to swell slightly and its scales grow like fish, also started a fish tail.
Snake-fish is when continued meditation for 500 years until 1000 years, it will turn into Fish-Dragon (½ ½ Fish Dragon). Fish-Dragon have a body and a tail like a fish, but his head enlarged and already resembles a dragon's head. At this stage there also have been showed a small horn on its head.
In Indonesia, Fish-Dragon is often found on the south coast island of Java and Bali, because of the blessings that have fish-dragon is so many locals respect the fish-dragon in order to be given the fish are abundant and free from infectious disease outbreaks.
Fish-Dragon also has a very strong element of water, so that by Javanese society in the past many were invited as the energy can prevent fires all the more dry season length.
Fish-Dragon who continue meditating for 500 years to 1000 years, Without changes to the Dragon Horn. Her whole body was perfect a dragon, with a color that resembles turquoise. Although there also have to have horns, but horns her head still very small.
Dragon without horns are widely encountered in the decoration of kingdoms Java on the ground in the past. Where the energy is radiated from the dragon without antlers can add prestige and authority of the place in diaminya.
Without Dragon Horn will be able to meditate when the Horned Dragon for 500 years to 1000 years.
Horned Dragon has a large horn is perfect, and overgrown berkemilauan long beard like a pearl. Horned Dragon on This level can be partially but the ability to fly in space coverage is still limited.
It takes meditation at least 1000 years to reach the Golden Dragon perfect, his body can change color like: light gold, or color of the sun. Kesegala Golden Dragon can fly over the nature, although does not seem to have wings. There is also another type of dragon that looks has wings on his body.
Not many dragons that can reach the level of the Golden Dragon. One of them can be seen as a follower of Honor Mother who devoted her the Mother of Honor and was given the job to hold and maintain the Heritage Bunda Mulia stamp command. In addition, many other dragons who devoted himself to maintaining and upholding the orders Bunda Mulia.
One of the Venerable Mother's throne chair is the incarnation of the 12 dragons, and Greatness of Our Lady's robes and wand is also the incarnation of His Majesty gold dragons. At the Mother of His Majesty reveal itself in the mountains Kun-Lun, 12 dragon incarnate as a cushion Lotus Gold Mother of Honor. At the top of the Venerable Mother golden lotus looks like a white light sunshine and golden rays of light like the moon. This light the rays of the body and reincarnate as a dragon beard Golden Lotus.
There are many more stories dragon who devote themselves to the Mother of His Majesty, Bodhisattva, the heir to the teachings of Venerable Mother and disciples. The results of meditation and good karma of the dragon, the dragon makes a blessing and energy is enormous fortune. This makes the dragon many respected and given offerings by humans. All this aims, so that the dragon seems willing to bestow blessings of fortune owned.
The dragon can also understand the language of birds and other animals. Where there is a legend that describes when a person eating dragon heart, he can understand animal language. This belief not only trusted by the people of China earlier, but also in Indonesia. The story of the dragon heart that makes a person understand the language of animals is also believed by adherents of the ancient Javanese beliefs Indonesia.
This story may have become legend in the land of Java, the story of dragon heart can be seen in the story of Aji Saka. Aji Saka was the first Java and on the ground that the ancestors of humans on the ground java. 


Lunar History

The origins of Chinese New Year celebrations too old and slow to be studied.However, public opinion say, perkatan China, 'Nian' or who intend to 'year' in Malay, is the name for the giant who frequently search for prey at night before the new year begins.
According Lagenda, Nian had a very large mouth, and able to swallow busy man with one bite. Humans at that time was very afraid of this giant Nian. On one day, garden reed adjacent villages burned Chinese people. Pipe burst and burned it emits a very strong like a firecracker. It was scary Nian and he did not dare to go brdekatan the village. Older people have also been advised that the village people hang red paper on the doors and the windows of their homes at any time menjelangnya New Year, Nian dikhuatiri will mengganas original. The red color was greatly feared by Nian, and able to dispel the giant.
That Lagenda is trusted by the people of China. Practice play and hang red paper firecracker still continued until today, although there among the Chinese youth community does not know the true purpose of charity is done. They just assume it's just bahawa deeds will welcome the new year cheer again.
Angpau Among the reasons why Chinese New Year awaited by children is the gift 'angpau' or a red envelope containing money. For those not berkahwin, they are eligible to receive angpau. Giving money or angpau this is to say goodbye for the year and hope acquire wealth and good fortune for the year. Wang will also be used to pay debts in arrears.

Firecrackers and lion dances Firecrackers and lion dances very synonymous with greeting the Chinese New Year celebration. Played firecrackers to banish the evil creatures that often disturb the peace of man. However, from one year to another yaang, firecrackers are often played to signify the coming festive season. Dance lion dance is an offering full of art and a wonderful symbol for the Chinese community. She usually played by two players, and takes a long time to practice before someone is really proficient. Abstinence bans and treatment when greeting the Chinese New Year Cleaning house The entire area of ​​the house should be washed before the arrival of the new year.On the eve of new year, all the sweeper, mop and wash all types of equipment are stored in a safe place. Sweeping and packing is not worth doing on the day of the new year, kerana follow Chinese community trust, good fortune will be swept along with the trash. After the new year, will be swept floors, starting from the door into the house and diletak in corners. Rubbish that swept it will not be discarded sehinggalah day 5 celebration. Take a clear, remove the cloudy Playing firecrackers on New Year's Eve is one way to say goodbye to the year that will be abandoned, and meraikan arrival of new year. At one point in the middle of the night the new year, all the doors and the windows should be opened to justify the years long gone. Activity in the New Year All debts have been duly paid on when these. All people need to keep their treatment at the time of this. Prohibited at all using dirty sayings that bring bad luck and not good intentions. Referring to the year off was banned on the day of the new year kerana all-everything must necessarily come forward and should not be looked back again. Prohibited at all cry in the new year, kerana feared people would cry throughout the year. Hygiene and personal appearance On the day of the new year, hair washing banned altogether, because this treatment will result in that person mambasuh went all good fortune for the new year. Encouraged to wear red clothing. Red is considered bright colors and bright, which allows the wearer acquire a bright future. Bahawa believed, how the use of the new year to determine one's fate was in that year. Childhood, brothers and close and unmarried people were angpau for a bright future. Chinese Lunar Calendar Chinese lunar calendar is the oldest in the world calendar, used since 2600 Before Masihi. Pengggunaan calendar was introduced by the emperor Huang Ti.Like the western calendar, the Chinese lunar calendar is also based on the annual turnover where the beginning of the year by the turn of the month dimula.Therefore, the beginning of the year for the Chinese calendar falls around January and February.
One complete rotation takes the moon around the earth for 60 years and composed than 5 rounds of each of them takes time for 12 years. Chinese lunar calendar each year based naming 12 animals.
The Chinese community believe every human being is born bahawa have an influence on personality and attitude based on the animal called man is born in the year.
Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 Ox 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 Hare 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 Goat 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 Monkey 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 Chicken 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
Chinese New Year decorations
Before greeting the Chinese New Year, Chinese families would decorate the house with the cheekbone which was blooming of flowers growing, a bag of oranges, and also includes 8 bags of dried sweet fruit. On the walls and the door will also be hung with beautiful ornaments such as poetry and greeting the new year is painted on red paper.
Custom for Chinese people, they will bring one bag containing orange and angpau to be given if a visit friends and family along the two-week Chinese New Year greeting. To follow the beliefs of the Chinese, who still have leaves orange bonded to her intention to bring one's relationship with others will be closely intertwined. When the new berkahwin all, it symbolizes the relationship that exists perkahwinan will blossom so that it gets a busy boy. Orange is the symbol of the joy for the people of China.
Candied bag
Bags of sweets are round or square shaped to have various types of sweets for the New Year commenced with 'sweetness'. Every bag of candied in a separate symbolizes good luck: * Candied watermelon - symbolize growth and good kesihatan * Pumpkin seeds - malambangkan joy, truth and honesty * Items lychees - symbolizes the close ties of kinship * Kumkuat (a type of orange) - wealth * Candied coconut - familiarity * Peanuts - life berkekalan * Longan - symbolizes a person will get a lot of good boys * Lotus fruit - many children Culture-> Origin of Chinese New Year Celebration Friday, February 22, 2008 Origin of Chinese New Year Celebration WE thought of the thousands of years ago, long before Christ Jesus (Christ Jesus) was born into the world, ie when the first Chinese emperor who refers to himself as Dynasty Hsia (Xia) around the year 2100-1600, BC. It means 'Season Flowers', Hsia is an equivalent letter from the letter 'Hua' meaning flower. at that time was the center bung-interest is the Honan Province, so named after the central state (Chung Kuo = Chinese), then the person who the people were given names with 'Chung Hua ren' or called the Chinese up to now.

Speaking of Spring party, can not escape from the Winter Flower and we must look to the Honan Province, particularly in the city of Luoyang, because there are many different types of flowers. Peony is a flower so special, this is the most beautiful types of flowers among the flowers that exist throughout the world and Peony flower is often used to greet the Spring datanganya party or New Year.

In welcoming the New Year, Chinese people wear new clothes in honor of the arrival of a new atmosphere, and began to show its beauty. The trees begin to turn green again, the shoots begin to emerge and the animals got up from his sleep after a long winter sleep to hide or run.

The people or their relatives, ranging exchange of visits, visiting one another, whether family or friend to say: 'Hsin Tjhun Kiong Hie', which means: Happy New Season Flowers. The children did not want to miss, they are most happy to welcome the coming season which began to grow flowers, they deliver to worship and congratulations to their parents each and they get a reply blessing and prayer from Him. Besides, do not forget they get a 'red envelope' (Ang Pao) which contains the money, after a respectful greeting to the elders.

There is a Chinese proverb which says; "If you respect the parents themselves and expand it to other parents ... Paying attention to his own kin and expand it to other family members ... to love their own children, and expand it to other kids ... Noting fellow himself especially close to and expand it to other fellow ... So to manage and govern this world will be as easy as rotating the object in the palm of the hand ... ... "

Today the words the phrase we often hear and see, is' khung Hsi Fa 'Cay' (meaning; Hopefully constantly in a state of abundance) and 'Thiam Thiam Hok Siu' (meaning; hopefully long life and always abundant sustenance)