Parrot happy to show off themselves and make a funny behavior with its wingsspread, head up and down, dancing and shouting.
They are very active and always wanted to know about the surrounding environment.
Parrots are happy to spend time with the show or check out and play dolls or toysyag given in his cage.
Who own parrots, as pets grow up healthy when their masters provide a lot of timeand attention to him, play and express affection in daily behavior.
However ideally have two parrots if his master did not have much time to play andgive attention to the bird.
Two-tailed cockatoo will help to prevent bad habits that caused the bird to feelbored, such as voice shrill and plucking their feathers
The term of the parrot? is in Malay language has two titles Pincher? and the oldfather.??
Pincher certainly can be interpreted as a parrot that has a strong beak, and candestroy berkeping2 wooden toys in a short time!
This bird memojok and behave very differently than other parrot birds. They havemore colors to the color of bird feathers, such as white or black, and they have ahead upright? , ability to follow something moving. Very large and powerful beak, and they very easily destroy the object.
Cockatoo birds that live in suspect longest of other parrot species such asexamples of types Greater sulfur-crested has lived almost 100th. It is difficult toexplain the age of the cockatoo, however young cockatoos that have beak is softer and paler in color and the feathers of birds who paler, while the old bird has a beakare darker and have striations and bird feathers have been full of color
Of the several species of female who eyelids will be colored red to brown after 2years. It helps to menentuka sex of the bird. Eye color is not real in some species. Inthis case the type to find out the sex should be with the investigation of medical science. endoscopy, can be implemented with the help of your veterinarian or fromhis dna test, usually a blood sample or some bird feathers sent to be examined in the laboratory
Homeless parrot of nature can be found most of Australia and Indonesia. They are found in 3 different areas, who wet rainforest and has a high air temperatures, soiland grassy lowlands who pdang vast and dry grass
There are 18 species of parrots (including parrots) and 37 sub-species, haya fewpeople know yag for import purposes. Cockatoo is a rare and protected animals.Strict prohibition to export all the birds of Australia, so who are still young birds are available for public sale in America is the farm.
Care for parrots must include a shower / bath once a week to gather dust on thewings and bird feathers in order to have a good shape. Showers can be great whenassisted by the hand holding the spray of water or a hose provided a fine sprayhead and a water lukewarm. Bowl to soak / ceramic container measuring 12-14incor (30-35cm) can be placed at the bottom of the cage or the height / distance from the floor 39inc or 1 meter when a large bird cage. Wings should be kept balanced ifyou want the bird will not lose their passion for flying and to prevent loss ofpeliharanmu blurred through the window / door. Beak and claw tumpulkan needed inorder not to damage when they climb up and bite. BNY types of perches are available to keep nails blunt, but they still need at tumpulkan if it has grown.
Cockatoo will destroy the mineral blocks, lava blocks and who can be destroyedwith its beak quickly and they do not want to make a blunt beak.
Diet on the cockatoo is a basic food biji2an additional suplemet hookbill withsprouted seeds and all the small buah2an and vegetables are safe for birds such asapel.pir, plums, raisons, oranges, bananas, peaches, carrots, br okoli, long beans,chickweed, dandelions and others.
Do not give avocado because it is toxic to birds. Protein foods can sometimes belike cottage cheese, bits of cheese, cooked eggs, canned dog food and cookedmeat bones. Stay away from the seasonings, meat maker obesity. Vitamins and minerals are not the essential needs of a given direct current when diet and stress.Because they destroy the blocks calcium, calcium must be crushed and sprinkled in his food once a week.
Cockatoo happy sociable and want to know that high, so the cage as much as possible close to the yag is often bypassed by the family. Place the cage at eye level we perceive and JNG exposed to direct sunlight. Minimum cage for smallparrots adalaha 27a €?? X27â €?? X39â €?? or 70X70X100 cm. Large cage for a larger cockatoos must be considered. The horizontal bars crux because parrots likecockatoos memanjat.Jangan have forgotten that a strong beak, parrot capable ofdestroying the bars and menabrakan kandang.tambahan for security in the stable door, snap lock best. A big and comfortable cage must be size 100x100x200cm. 1A-sized perch (26-30mm) for small cockatoo and (35-45 mm) for a big parrot. The twigs of fruit trees very welland maintenance to the size of the bermacam2 to exercise the legs and beak likehone and polish memuntulkan. Tmp containers of food and beverages must bemade of ceramic or stainless steel.
Place the maintenance of bird / a big outdoor cage for breeding should have a safehiding place and can be warmed and diidnginkan suit the interests and have sandbedding. For additional instrument flight times must be sized (2x3x2 m) for small parrots and of course for large parrots need a larger size. Do not forget the flight cage should be covered. Equipment flight cage with aperch higher and drenched in a nice place, too, if provided.