11 Aug 2011

Google +

Today's world of increasingly sophisticated communication and communicative, almost all the information and gadgets we can get easily on the internet. And great people developer of social networking sites began to develop the features on their sites, even up to elbow each other he said was used for the advancement and courage sites that they manage. Especially if it were not for names for the world's more respected.
It is said that Google's presence plus a serious threat to sites other social networking, especially Facebook, which until today still dominate the social networking world, although some time ago Twitter enters the virtual world, but Facebook is still a networking site with the most users.
Back to Google Plus or the so-called "G plus", by Larry Page (CEO of Google) is claimed to be the site of the largest and most comprehensive social networking features. For that reason, please mate own judge when entering and playing in G Plus. Because in my opinion, there is definitely a plus minus depending on the users. Similar to Facebook, the display is not too much different, maybe some excellent features G Plus a little added plus.
Some features include: Circle: When my friend came in, my friend can categorize your friends by category mate, ie hanging out in a circle of friends, family and friends in the circle of the two working in a circle of three, and so on. Hangout: allow pal face to face directly via online chat or webcam chat, buddy can also arrange to speak with several people at once. Sparks: here my friend can take a video or an article based on the interest mate, and can save them as favorites on my profile mate. Currently, Google Plus is still limited to a user's Gmail account, because Google Plus is still in development stage. So to other email users, please be patient.

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