2 Mar 2012

10 Danger of Sex Addiction

Sexual problems are very diverse. Interference can be started from the desire that is not lit, pain during intercourse, until the erection problems. Many of the disorders that can be addressed using the medication and therapy. However, one of sexual interference is quite hard to deal with addiction.

Addicted to sex (sexual addiction) is often considered not a problem for many people. In fact, for patients and their spouses, the disorder can be very damaging. Not only damage the sufferer's personal life, but also the social environment, family, and especially spouses of patients (see box: Form for Addiction and result).According to experts, sexual addiction is an appropriate measure of sexual activity considered beyond the control prevalence. People with sex addiction and felt compelled to get to immerse themselves in sexual activity, although aware of all risks that may be encountered.
Sex can be addictive as alcohol and illicit drugs. When berkegiatan sex, the body releases chemicals that make our bodies to be comfortable. Some people become addicted to remove these chemicals and become obsessed with getting it again and again and again, brought a sense of comfort.As for the other addictions, the body getting used to the release of these chemical compounds. Body addicts need more numbers, more and more, and more and more, which means it continues to feel the need to have sex, it is never satisfied.Among the fulfillment of sexual needs and high chemical compounds, emerged triumphant. It is often identified with the feelings of shame, regret, suffering, pleading, and anxiety. People with addiction can feel isolated, isolated, and powerless to change his behavior. Well, along with the continued rotation of the endless loop it, people keep trying to get sex addiction in an attempt to escape the feeling that shackles.
More than 6 percent by conservative estimates, 3 to 6 percent of the population suffering from sex addiction and 20 percent of whom are women. They come from all walks of life. However, the numbers three and six percent were estimated to be too low from the actual number of sufferers.
Given the prevalent sexual addiction is accompanied by feelings of shame and reproach, according to the site owned by Dr. Patrick Carnes, a consultant and a leading expert on sex addiction, www.sexhelp.com, so sufferers often find it difficult to get help. For this reason also, the type of patient profile sex addiction is difficult to obtain.Since the opening of the internet with a variety of cheap sexual services without having to reveal the identity of self-interested persons, experts can only know that people with sex addiction has increased sharply, without knowing their exact identity. With limited assistance services for patients, experts believe the number of people addicted to sex it will continue to increase. Then, as if the signs of those who suffer from sex addiction? Dr. Patrick Carnes suggests the existence of 10 possible signs to look out for:

Feel that your behavior is out of control.
Aware can arise due to the severe if you continue with that behavior.
Feeling unable to stop the behavior you are even aware of the consequences.
Stay hunt destructive activities and / or high-risk.
Continue to expect to stop or control what you do and act actively to limit the harmful activities that you do.
Using sexual fantasies as a way to cope with difficult feelings or situations.
Constantly need sex in order to always feel good.
Suffering from turbulent feelings around sexual activity.
Spend a lot of time to plan, conduct, or regret and do more sexual activity.
Ignoring social activities, office activities, and recreational activities are important for the sake of sex. When you see a need to recognize any one of the signs above are present in your behavior, the most important step to take is to acknowledge that sexual addiction is a real problem and can not go away or goes away by itself. You have to choose one's attitude of personal responsibility for the recovery of disorders that could be you're experiencing.

Generally, people with sexual disorders had found it difficult to change their own behavior. However, at least little by little you should be able to minimize the behavior as depicted on signs at the top although sometimes the cycle comes the urge to do anything too strong to be resisted. A professional therapist can help you to understand what was going on and encourage you to take steps to change and lead to a sexual lifestyle that is healthier.
Conversely, if you suspect that your spouse is a patient addicted to sex, you should have helped to change the behavior. Mental attitude you need to prepare for yourself is, no one will ever recover from addiction but to accept that they suffer from a disorder and want to change. Because of that, help strengthen the resolve of your spouse who is addicted to getting stronger willingness to make changes.
It's messy, painful, and confusing a couple of sex addiction. If in Western society, there's even help for those who have partners of sex addicts. Assistance could be in the form of personal and companion group (support group). Well, even here yet available such services, you can ngintip-ngintip seeking insight, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous to, international websites that provide information on assistance from the British in www.saa-recovery.org or at the British Association of Sexual and Relationship therapists, who offer personal sex therapist directory at: www.basrt.org.uk. Forms of addiction and the consequences of sex addiction may exhibit various forms, but generally recognizable from behavior that feels out of control.
These behaviors include:- Spend plenty of time to enjoy the products of pornography -Uncontrollable masturbation -Exhibitionism -Voyeurism -Fetishes -High-risk sex -Prostitution -Phone sex and sex through the internet -Infidelity -Having sex with a new partner, it is known
According to Dr. Carne, the survey revealed a result of the behavior of sex addiction, among others:70 percent experienced severe problems with their spouses 40 percent loss of 27 percent of losing a spouse in a career 40 percent chance of experiencing unwanted pregnancies 72 percent obsessed with suicide attempt suicide 17 percent 68 percent of sexually transmitted diseases.

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