25 Jun 2011

Ozon is ....?

Ozone is the result of reactions between oxygen with ultraviolet rays from the sun.Ozone in the air serves withstand ultraviolet radiation from the sun at a safe level for all of our health. Ozone is also produced by humans for use as a water purification materials, bleach, and one of the plastic-forming elements. Ozone layer Ozone layer began to be known by a scientist from Germany, Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1839. He was a pale blue which is composed of three oxygen atoms (O3). Ozone is a colorless gas found in the stratosphere and the cloud layer that lies between 15 and 35 kilometers from the Earth's surface. The term 'ozone' or more precisely 'ozone layer' started to receive attention during the 1980s when scientists discovered a 'hole' in the ozone layer in Antarctica. The hole is the result of solar radiation that emit ultra-high. Radiation was berpecah into molecular oxygen and releasing free atoms in which the half tied with other oxygen molecules to form ozone. Approximately 90% than in the atmospheric ozone is formed in this way are included among the 15 so 55 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This section is called the stratosphere. However, the existing ozone was found to be present in small amounts is a maximum of only between 20 to 25 kilometers. The amount of ozone in the atmosphere depends on the dynamic balance between the extent to which it was formed and how it is destroyed. Benefits of the ozone layer Ozone layer is important because it absorbs ultraviolet radiation (UV) radiation from the sun to protect high up to the surface of the earth. In the form of spectrum UV radiation has a shorter wavelength than light. UV radiation with a wavelength is between 280 to 315 nanometers that is identified UV-B and he destroyed almost all life. By absorbing UV-B radiation before it reached the earth's surface, ozone layer protects the earth from the damaging effects of radiation life. Stratospheric ozone also have an effect on the temperature of the atmosphere which determine the temperature of the world. Based on the results of research scientists, who into the protective ozone layer of the earth from UV-B radiation is dwindling. CFC gas is also called a gas that causes thinning of this ozone layer. CFCs are used by modern society such as refrigerator, push the material in the sprinklers, foam and solvent production especially for electronic refineries. Scientists are already making theories and predictions about the depletion of the ozone layer is the 1970s. Effects of ozone layer depletion
Depletion of the ozone layer will lead to more ultra violet radiation rays entering the earth. Ultra-violet radiation can make the effects on human health, destroy marine life, ecosystems, agriculture and forests reduce yields. The main effect in humans is an increase in skin cancer because otherwise it can damage the eye including kataraks and might also weaken the body immune system. In agriculture, the acceptance of ultra-violet rays in plants could wipe out the world's major crops. The study results showed the results of such plants 'barley' and 'oats' showed a decrease due to acceptance of a higher radiation beam. Plants expected to experience growth retardation, will even tend to dwarf, so that damage crops and forests there. Full radiation can also be deadly children of fish, crabs and shrimp in the ocean, as well as reducing the amount of plankton which became one of the food source most marine animals. Damage to the ozone layer also has a direct influence on the warming of the earth is often referred to as the "greenhouse effect". Efforts to prevent ozone depletion be started jointly by all countries in the world. The effort has also been in galakkan seriously by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) one of the UN organizations engaged in environmental protection and nature programs. In 1977 again, UNEP has taken action against the World Design of the ozone layer, and in 1987, created a world agreement on the reduction of material expenditure that causes the ozone layer has been signed by the 'Montreal Protocol'. This protocol of which result in actions in guarding the income and the release of CFCs into the environment. Therefore, we should all look at this issue seriously and seeks to prevent or minimize ozone depletion in the natural world in ways that minimize the use of materials that can mempertipis ozone so that future generations can inherit the environment that is still good.

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