Lion Dance Popular Dances From Being a Legend Every time before the Chinese New Year arrives, the colorful face of a lion called lion dance (sometimes also referred to as liongsai) always appear everywhere.Similarly, in Indonesia. Since the reform era, dance dance lion dance became a common seen everywhere. Later dance lion dance is also often used as the theme of Chinese New Year advertisement on television Lion has a history thousands of years. The first record of this dance can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty around the third century BC. Chinese people believe the lion is the symbol of happiness and pleasure. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck the show so it is generally held on a variety of important events such as opening a restaurant, the establishment pagoda, and of course the new year celebration. Barongsai largely consists of two main types namely North Lions who have curly mane and four legs. Northern Lion appearance looks more natural and like a lion than a South Lions have scales and the number of feet that vary between two or four. Southern Lion head is equipped with horns that are sometimes similar to the animals 'Kilin'. Movement between the Lions and the Lions North South is also different. If the South is famous for its lion head movements hard and bobbing along with the beat of gongs and drums, the movement of the North Lions tend to be more agile and full of dynamics because it has four legs. The main movement of the lion dance Lion Dance is movement that takes an envelope containing money referred to as 'Lay See'. On top of the envelope is usually plastered with watercress vegetables that symbolize a gift to the Lion.Consuming process 'Lay See' - the term is widely used in Hong Kong takes about half part of the whole lion dance. In front of the Barong dancers usually there is also another dancer wearing a mask and carried a fan. This figure is called the Buddha. His job is to lead the Singa Barong to the place where the envelope containing the money saved.Those who want to get a big profit, generally competing to fill the envelope with jumlanh angpao a lot of money.
The dragon as a creature who has good karma and have reached certain stage of spiritual life coaching, because they have train a very old spiritual formation. Spiritual attainment This makes the old dragon obtain blessings and the position that respectable.
Achievement and good karma that has the dragon, makes many
dragon who had the opportunity to devote herself directly as a companion and protector of the Buddha, Bhodisatva, and the other holy beings. Often we see a picture Bodhisattva Kwan-Im was standing on a dragon that leads go where the Goddess.
The dragon has a variety of different races, and every race divided into two gender of men and women. Where is the dragon man horn has an enlarged upper section, but the dragon lady horn has a more slender and sometimes smaller section it.
In addition he has a beard dragon glittering like pearls on the chin and the neck. And the dragon lady will look different the shape of her nose, which is more straight. Chin and neck are not have a beard.
The symbolism of the dragon energy in the Fung-Shui energy is recognized as one a protector on the left and good luck with the energy carrier green or blue color symbolism. While on the right in energy symbolized by the tiger. The unification of the two energy inter- complement can form a good chi energy.
In the flow-Fung Shui symbolizes the wind direction and season, is known in terms of the Blue Dragon. Which means dragon east and is symbolism of the spring season, and the beginning of the year. White tiger means the tiger is the symbolic direction of west and west.
Dragon is one of the other natural beings in a very unique choose a location. They will not be any, can even say really very careful in assessing and taking into account location of residence. So the place and the location preferred by the dragon, will usually have a very high chi energy and good.
Pros of the dragon, which makes the dragon known have a lot of energy abundant blessings and fortune compared other creatures. Fung Shui Master so few that can be know the existence of dragons, will consider it as a advantages that are very positive.
Here are some examples of places that are preferred by the dragon:
1. Places where there are trees that once struck by lightning and burned. 2. At sea in the middle of the bay, the waves are usually characterized by motifs like dragon scales. 3. Near the beach that there are many prominent rock on the sea surface. 4. In a quiet, clean lake in the mountains or at the foot of the mountain. Fifth, in the cave, which often appears above rainbow or from in the mouth of the cave.
Because generally the preferred place of Naga are very closely related with the element of water. So a lot of contact with the dragon god of rain and Indra, god of thunder (li-kong). It is closely related by functional use shui element of water as a carrier energy blessings and wealth.
Coaching needed to become a dragon that is not easy, and time a very long time. One type comes from the snake water dragon. Water snake when have been meditating for 500 to 1000 years, will change a Snake-Fish (½ ½ Snake Fish) where the head is still a snake, but his body began to swell slightly and its scales grow like fish, also started a fish tail.
Snake-fish is when continued meditation for 500 years until 1000 years, it will turn into Fish-Dragon (½ ½ Fish Dragon). Fish-Dragon have a body and a tail like a fish, but his head enlarged and already resembles a dragon's head. At this stage there also have been showed a small horn on its head.
In Indonesia, Fish-Dragon is often found on the south coast island of Java and Bali, because of the blessings that have fish-dragon is so many locals respect the fish-dragon in order to be given the fish are abundant and free from infectious disease outbreaks.
Fish-Dragon also has a very strong element of water, so that by Javanese society in the past many were invited as the energy can prevent fires all the more dry season length.
Fish-Dragon who continue meditating for 500 years to 1000 years, Without changes to the Dragon Horn. Her whole body was perfect a dragon, with a color that resembles turquoise. Although there also have to have horns, but horns her head still very small.
Dragon without horns are widely encountered in the decoration of kingdoms Java on the ground in the past. Where the energy is radiated from the dragon without antlers can add prestige and authority of the place in diaminya.
Without Dragon Horn will be able to meditate when the Horned Dragon for 500 years to 1000 years.
Horned Dragon has a large horn is perfect, and overgrown berkemilauan long beard like a pearl. Horned Dragon on This level can be partially but the ability to fly in space coverage is still limited.
It takes meditation at least 1000 years to reach the Golden Dragon perfect, his body can change color like: light gold, or color of the sun. Kesegala Golden Dragon can fly over the nature, although does not seem to have wings. There is also another type of dragon that looks has wings on his body.
Not many dragons that can reach the level of the Golden Dragon. One of them can be seen as a follower of Honor Mother who devoted her the Mother of Honor and was given the job to hold and maintain the Heritage Bunda Mulia stamp command. In addition, many other dragons who devoted himself to maintaining and upholding the orders Bunda Mulia.
One of the Venerable Mother's throne chair is the incarnation of the 12 dragons, and Greatness of Our Lady's robes and wand is also the incarnation of His Majesty gold dragons. At the Mother of His Majesty reveal itself in the mountains Kun-Lun, 12 dragon incarnate as a cushion Lotus Gold Mother of Honor. At the top of the Venerable Mother golden lotus looks like a white light sunshine and golden rays of light like the moon. This light the rays of the body and reincarnate as a dragon beard Golden Lotus.
There are many more stories dragon who devote themselves to the Mother of His Majesty, Bodhisattva, the heir to the teachings of Venerable Mother and disciples. The results of meditation and good karma of the dragon, the dragon makes a blessing and energy is enormous fortune. This makes the dragon many respected and given offerings by humans. All this aims, so that the dragon seems willing to bestow blessings of fortune owned.
The dragon can also understand the language of birds and other animals. Where there is a legend that describes when a person eating dragon heart, he can understand animal language. This belief not only trusted by the people of China earlier, but also in Indonesia. The story of the dragon heart that makes a person understand the language of animals is also believed by adherents of the ancient Javanese beliefs Indonesia.
This story may have become legend in the land of Java, the story of dragon heart can be seen in the story of Aji Saka. Aji Saka was the first Java and on the ground that the ancestors of humans on the ground java.

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