13 Oct 2011

PRAZZER-Hazards of Chemical Substances For the Body

Hazards of Chemical Substances For the Body 
bathroom with bath products is a natural herbal body scrub spa treatment activities are very important today. 
When the environment we have been swarmed by a variety of harmful pollutants. That every day the wind on my face, hair and body, without realizing it has brought various types of chemicals, including various types of heavy metals and carbon monoxide that are dangerous to health kulit.Segala pollutants circulating around us as a side effect of technological progress and should be resisted by the industry body scrub spa baths from the outset. In case this is our skin protects the body by using a bath-care products herbal body scrub that not only softens, but must also be able to scrub spa detoxification of toxic substances that attach to each day on the skin that do care kita.Untuk scrubs spa bath has now become a necessity. Not just a trend or a spa scrubs scrubs scrubs bandwagon.Because scrub scrub has proven very beneficial in treating skin of our bodies.Keeping the softness. Scrub and scrub out all the free radicals that are attached to the skin. 

In addition to cleaning the skin, the active substances contained in scrubs natural spa also has many benefits. For example, scrub scrub milk which is believed to nourish the skin in depth, especially for skin that tends to be very dry. Or chocolate body scrub spa scrub to smooth powerful turns all skin types. Even herbal bath made clear glowing skin. There are also bath scrubs scrubs black sticky rice that will erode the dead skin cells safely. So the skin becomes bright and exotic looks. And many more properties of various types of spa bath spa scrubs active substance to another. This herbal bath that we discuss in more detail in a separate part of the other shower scrubs. 

Now, most importantly, make herbal bath or spa bath as part of our lives. To clean and care for our skin. Because bathed in scrubs scrubs as important as bathing and brushing your teeth. 

Everyone always wanted a life lived is a healthy life is mirrored by a healthy environment. Therefore maintaining a healthy environment has become the duty of all people not just the government. If you want to have a healthy life we ​​must begin by way of instilling a healthy lifestyle for themselves first, family one child who must be inculcated from an early age about the dangers of smoking, so that later on they were not affected by their environment to become smokers.

Lately active smoking habits in children cenderuing increase. 
When the first age of the child dared to smoke when in junior high, now it can be found elementary school children grades 4 has started many a meroko secretly. In fact, consumption of cigarettes from an early age can lead to smoking habits are hard to stop, as well as the risk to health or the environment. In addition can also be a gateway for children to consume drugs. For passive smoking, children who grow up in the environment that a lot of cigarette smoke also have the same risk of disease, if exposed to cigarette smoke for long periods of time. The report, The Jakarta Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2000, showed as much as 89 percent of students aged 13-15 years have sucked cigarette smoke in public environments, public and bronchitis are at risk of suffering from disease, pheumonia, as well as middle ear disease.

Chronic lung disease in the elderly adults proved to be a result of cigarette smoke exposure in childhood, childhood health damage that will be followed by damage to their health in adulthood. 
It means the destruction of productivity for themselves and for society, because it's since the late '60s in the United States carried out a number of smoking cessation programs in schools starting from primary school level.

If the Americans have done it a long time, why Indonesia has not issued a ban on smoking in children. 
The high number of smokers at a young age and children, among others, due to the effect that with the incessant ads promoting tobacco products. Departing from the ad children under the age of 18 years have not been able to distinguish the rights which are considered good.

There is a tendency of self children imitate what is conveyed by the advertisement of a tobacco product, the condition was aggravated by the habit of smoking by parents. 
With the help of their parents are smokers to quit smoking, it is not only to prevent children becoming smokers, but also help to encourage teenagers to quit smoking.


Many studies show smoking increases the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease and vascular ganggguan disease, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence, and pregnancy disorders and defects in 
the fetus. Patients at high risk smokers also experience complications or difficulty of distinction including wound healing after plastic surgery and reconstruction, plastic surgery breast formation and operations involving members of the body, the bottom.

In fact, the smoking habits die hard and people are rarely recognized as a bad habit. 
Moreover, people who smoke to distract themselves from emotional stress and pressure, is more difficult to break away from this habit than smokers who do not have a background of depression.

Recent research also shows the dangers of second hand cigarette smoke is the smoke inhaled by people who are not being around smokers because smokers could also be called a second-hand smoke. 
Cigarettes can not be separated from the raw materials of manufacture of tobacco. In Indonesia, clove and tobacco plus other ingredients are mixed to the material made clove cigarettes. In addition to tobacco Cigarettes can also be used as a hand-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco).

The content in cigarette smoke that is inhaled? 
not less than 4000 toxic chemicals.These chemicals are released is composed of gas components (85 percent) and particles. Nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4 etilkatekol, ortokresol and perylene is in part of the thousands of substances in cigarettes.

Gaseous components of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acids hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. 
Particles of tar, indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol. These substances are toxic, irritant and cause cancer (carcinogens).

These substances endanger BODY AND HOW THEY

Nicotine is the substance most frequently discussed and researched people, nerve poisons the body, increases blood pressure, causing constriction of peripheral blood vessels and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. 
Levels of 4-6 mg of nicotine inhaled by adults every day can lead to addiction.

Lead (Pb) produced a cigarette as much as 0.5 ug. 
Pack of cigarettes (20 cigarettes content) which sucked in one day produce 10 ug. While the threshold of lead that enters the body is 20 mcg per day. It can be imagined when a heavy smoker smoked an average of 2 packs per day Roko, how many of these harmful substances into the body.

Gas carbon monoxide (CO) has a strong tendency to bind with hemoglobin in red blood cells. 
Should this hemoglobin binds with oxygen which is essential for respiration of body cells, but because the CO gas is stronger than the CO gas is oxygen then took his place side hemoglobin. Be hemoglobin coupled with CO gas.CO gas levels in the blood of nonsmokers less than 1 percent. While in the blood of smokers reach 4-15 percent.

Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke and solid components are carcinogens. 
At the time of cigarette tar inhaled into the mouth cavity as a dense vapor. After the cold will become solid and form a brown precipitate on the surface of the tooth, respiratory tract and lungs. Deposition was varied between 3-40mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes range from 24-45 mg


The oral cavity is very easily exposed to the harmful effects of smoking. 
Changes in the oral cavity is very reasonable because the mouth is the beginning of the absorption of substances from burning cigarettes. The temperature of cigarettes on the lips is 30 degrees C, whereas the burning cigarette tip temperature of 900 degrees C.

Hot smoke that blows continuously into the oral cavity is heat stimuli cause changes in blood flow and reduce expenses saliva. 
As a result of the oral cavity becomes dry and more an-aerobic thus providing a suitable environment for the growth of an-aerobic bacteria in plaque. By itself at great risk smokers infected with the bacteria that causes tooth supporting tissue disease than those who do not smoke.

Effect of cigarette smoke directly is irritation of the gums and indirectly through products such as nicotine cigarettes that have been entered through the bloodstream and saliva. 
Healthy teeth supporting tissues such as gums, lining of teeth, dental cements, and implantation of the bone where the teeth become damaged due to disruption of normal functioning of the body's defense mechanism against infection and can stimulate the body to destroy healthy tissue around it.

In smokers decreased immune substances (antibodies) contained in the saliva that is useful to neutralize the bacteria in the oral cavity and impaired function occurs, the immune cells of the body. 
Immune cells can not approach and eat the bacteria that attack the body's defense cells tubuhtidak more sensitive to changes around him also to infection.

Nicotine plays a role in the onset of tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by the oral soft tissues including the gums through the bloodstream and the attachment of gum to the tooth surface and roots. 
Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and metabolic outcome is kontinin can be found in the liquid gum.

Attachment of connective tissue and collagen fibers are blocked, so the process of healing and tissue regeneration after treatment interrupted. 
Chewing tobacco is often referred to as tanapa tobacco smoke appears to have become a trend and its products widely used by the young, athletic and elderly women in America. Chewing tobacco in Indonesia has become a habit long ago. Although smokeless tobacco chewing habit is suspected as the cause of white patches and oral cavity cancer.The disorder usually occurs on the cheeks, where smokeless tobacco is normally inserted.

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