Walillahilhamdu.Rahimakumullah Muslims.Ramadan ends we have to give its own happiness for us, this is because the worship of Ramadan fasting, one of which gives the value of coaching is very deep, ie establish and strengthen our devotion to God Almighty, so we need something in the life of the world and the next .
In order to achieve an increase in piety we can achieve and we can prove in everyday life, it becomes important for us to understand the nature of true piety. In his book Ahlur Rahmah, Sheikh Taha Abdullah al Afifi quoted as saying companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib ra about taqwa, that is:
الخوف من الجليل والعمل بالتنزيل والإستعداد ليوم الرحيل والرضا بالقليلFear Allah the Exalted Highness, the practice of what is contained in at her revelations (the Quran), prepare yourself for the day to leave the world and pleased (satisfied) with roughing it (slightly)
From the expression above, there are four nature of piety to be present in each of us and this could be a measure of the success of our Ramadan worship.
First, To Fear God. One attitude that we must have is fear of Allah swt. Fear of God is not like we are afraid of the beast that causes us to be away from him, but fear Allah swt is the fear of the wrath, punishment and torment him so that the things that can bring the wrath, punishment and the punishment of Allah we should stay away.Whereas Almighty God himself we should approach, this is the taqarrub ILALLAH (closer to Allah).
Therefore, people who fear Allah will not be free to deviate from any provision of Him. But as an ordinary man might have someone make a mistake, so if a mistake is done, he immediately repented to Allah swt and apologized to him who he is guilty, even if there are rights of others are taken, then he would return it. More powerful if the mistakes made there any kind of punishment, then he also punished even willing to ask punished so that he does not shy away from punishment. Allah says:
وسارعوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات والأرض أعدت للمتقينAnd haste ye to forgiveness from your Lord and to heaven as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who fear Allah (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 133).
For example, during the Apostles there was a woman taken in adultery, and he was very sorry, of adultery that she was pregnant and after she brought repentance came to the Messenger to get punished, but the Prophet did not punish him at that time because of the pregnancy to be maintained. After giving birth and breast-feeding her child, then she was sentenced as punishment for adulterers who caused his death, when his body menshalatkan Apostle, Umar bin Khattab mempersoalkannya because he was a woman adulterers, Prophet then stated:
لقد تابت توبة لو قسمت بين سبعين من أهل المدينة لوسعتهم وهل وجدت أفضل من أن جادت بنفسها لله عز وجلHe has repented, a repentance that if divided on the seventy people of Medina, surely still enough. Is there anyone greater than a person who has submitted himself to God's law? (Narrated by Muslim).
Fasting and other rituals educate us to be people who fear Allah Almighty who makes us will always adjust to all the provisions of Him. If we measure from this side, the reality shows that many people who have not devoted as there is no fear of Allah swt.
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.Rahimakumullah Muslims.
Both the nature of piety which said Ali ibn Abi Talib is a Charity Based on Revelation. Qur'an was revealed by Allah to be a guide for humans to be devoted to Him. Therefore, the pious will always do good or to do something based on the revelation sent by Allah swt, including the revelation is the Hadith or Sunnah Prophet because the Prophet's words and deeds are based on revelation. In other words, someone called pious when carrying out the order of Allah and is away from his ban.
In this context, it becomes very important for us to always review the al-Quran and Al Hadith, for how could we be charitable in accordance with it, if it does not understand it and how well we can understand when reading and studying it is not.
In the life of the companions, they are always trying to act based on revelation, so they try to study it to the Prophet and his companions, even some of those who like to ask. Although they like to do something, but if it does not justify the revelation they do, then they tried to leave.
Once upon a time there are some people who formerly Jewish friends, they want to be able to perform more worship on Saturday and run the book of the law, but dropped the word of God Almighty who made them did not do it, the verse is:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إنه لكم عدو مبينO ye who believe, enter ye into the whole of Islam, and do not share the steps devil.Verily Satan's enemy to you (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 208).
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.The Happy Muslims.
Third is the essence of taqwa according to Ali ibn Abi Talib ra should we make of our worship is Ramadan Preparing for the Hereafter. Death is something that must happen to everyone. Demonstrate our belief that death is not the end of everything, but the dead is precisely the beginning of new life, which is a good afterlife and whether or not really depends on one's faith and righteous deeds in this life.Therefore, the pious will always prepare himself in the life of happiness in this world for the hereafter.
If we had realized the certainty of death, then we will not mensia to waste life in a world that no longer. We will try to streamline the way of life in this world to do something that could give a positive value, as any we. Therefore, if we are not effective and people criticize us, we must accept that criticism gladly premises.Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz is one example.
When Umar bin Abdul Aziz has accepted a position as caliph, he felt the need to rest because his condition is already very tired and very sleepy eyes that had, let alone he'd just take care of his family who died of the Caliph Sulaiman. Just as he lay down on the bed and laid her head on the pillow, suddenly came Abdul Malik and said: "Dad, what would my father do now?".
"I want to rest for a while my son", said Umar.
"Is dad going to rest, when the father has not returned the confiscated property of the people is unjust to those entitled to?".
"I will do all that later after noon, I could not sleep last night because taking care of your uncle," said Umar.
"My father, who can give assurance that the father would remain alive until noon then?". Abdul Malik asked again stomping.
Hearing his son's question, it's burning like a lost spirit of Omar so that drowsiness and fatigue they experienced, then Umar said: "Son ... come closer to me".
After approaching Abdul Malik, Umar kissed his forehead and said: "Praise be to Allah who has bestowed offspring who helped me in my religion".
Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz immediately rise from his bed and he announced: "Anyone who has taken his property by unjust, let him raise the issue".
Effectiveness of a life time that is used to make the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz to difficulty finding mustahik because the level of welfare that high. Must we admit that many of us who feel death is still a long time so it does not appear pious charity, both as individuals, families, communities and social and political organization, our complaint is not got time, lack of time, because it is God Almighty mengingatrkan us all:
فمن كان يرجو لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا
Anyone expecting an encounter with his Lord, then let him do righteous deeds, and not one as he was in the worship of his Lord "(Surat al-Kahf [18]: 110).
When someone has done everything as a form of preparation for life after death, then people like this is called an intelligent person, though he was not a scholar.Therefore, the Messenger of Allah said:الكيس من دان نفسه وعمل لما بعد الموتPeople who are smart are those who subdue lust and do good for the life after death (Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Hakim).
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.Muslims Honored God Almighty.
The nature of the Fourth piety according to Ali ibn Abi Talib is Ridha Although little.Each of us would want to get something, especially wealth in large numbers so that it can bring, and families and can share with others. But desire is not always in line with reality, there are times when we get a lot, but at other times we get a little, even a very little and not enough. Pious are always pleased and accept what is obtained although the numbers a bit, this is the qana'ah, while the lack of what is expected to be searched again with great earnestness and lawful manner. Corruption is a disease of our nation until now is because there is no pleasure of receiving the attitude that they are entitled, as a result he still took the rights of others and the administration and the strengthening of laws on the deviation was doing could be arranged, so Allah reminds us in his word:
ولا تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل وتدلوا بها إلى الحكام لتأكلوا فريقا من أموال الناس بالإثم وأنتم تعلمونAnd do you eat sebahagian sebahagian other treasures among you by means of a false and (do) you take (business) property to the judge, that ye may eat sebahagian than other people's property with (roads do) sin, but ye Knowing. (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 188).At one point, Ali ibn Abi Talib just going home later than usual. His wife, Fatima daughter of Prophet welcomed him with joy. Who knows Ali brings more money because of the greater needs at home.After unwind, Ali said to Fatima, "I apologize for not bringing any money."Does not appear the slightest disappointment on the face of Fatimah, he even kept smiling and could understand the situation that she loved her husband.Ali's wife is very touched that so resignation even though he can not cook that night because there is no food that can be cooked.When prayer time comes, as usual Ali then went to the mosque to perform prayers in congregation. After the prayer, an old man stopped walking towards the house."Excuse me young man, thou true that Ali, son of Abu Talib?", Asked the man."Yes," replied Ali surprised.The old man reached into his pocket and said, "I told your father ever used tanning leather. I have not had time to pay the fare, your father is dead. So, take this money, because thou art heir. "With great joy Ali took the money, amounting to 30 dinars. Arriving at the house, Ali pointed out to his wife's unexpected Rizki. Of course very excited when Fatimah Ali tell the story. And he had to spend it all in order not to bother anymore worrying everyday purposes. Without thinking, Ali immediately went to the market.When it was coming into the market, Ali saw a fakir cupped hands, "Who would menghutangkan his property to God, bersedekahlah to me, a traveler who ran out of stock on the way."Without thinking at length, Ali gave all his money to that person and Ali came home empty-handed. Of course seeing her husband did not bring home anything, Fatimah amazed. Ali describes the events that just happened and this is precisely makes Fatimah was so moved against her husband. Accompanied by a sweet smile, Fatimah said: "What you are doing well will I do if I have it. We better menghutangkan treasure to God than are griping that his wrath. "Acceptance allows us to be grateful and thankful to us will get rizki in greater numbers, even if the amount has not been too much more, gratitude makes us feel something that feels like a bit much so that not only benefit us and the family but alsoother people. This is among the meanings should we catch the word of God Almighty:
وإذ تأذن ربكم لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم ولئن كفرتم إن عذابي لشديد(Remember also), when your Lord proclaimed: "Behold, if ye are grateful, certainly we will add (favors) unto you, and if ye deny (My blessing), verily My punishment is very painful". (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 7).
From the above description we can conclude that the pious to Allah Almighty that we need seriousness required to be devoted to the truth. Finally let us desist Id praying us to pray:
اللهم انصرنا فانك خير الناصرين وافتح لنا فانك خير الفاتحين واغفر لنا فانك خير الغافرين وارحمنا فانك خير الراحمين وارزقنا فانك خير الرازقين واهدنا ونجنا من القوم الظالمين والكافرين.Oh God, help us, Thou art the giver is the best to help. Win us, Thou art the giver is the best to win. Forgive us, verily You are the best of mercy giver givers. Our mercy, Thou art the giver is the best to grace. Give us rizkisesungguhnya You are the best of rizki giver. Guide us and save us from people who dzalim and infidels.
اللهم أصلح لنا ديننا الذى هو عصمة أمرنا وأصلح لنا دنيان التى فيها معاشنا وأصلح لنا آخرتنا التى فيها معادنا واجعل الحياة زيادة لنا فى كل خير واجعل الموت راحة لنا من كل شرO Allah, fix our religion for us, because he was a stronghold for our business. Fix our world for us that he became a place of our lives. Perbikilah Hereafter we are to place our back. Make this as an additional life for us in every good and make our death as a freedom for us from all unrighteousness.
اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك ماتحول بيننا وبين معصيتك ومن طاعتك ما تبلغنابه جنتك ومن اليقين ماتهون به علينا مصائب الدنيا. اللهم متعنا بأسماعنا وأبصارنا وقوتنا ما أحييتنا واجعله الوارث منا واجعله ثأرنا على من عادانا ولا تجعل مصيبتنا فى دينناولا تجعل الدنيا أكبر همنا ولا مبلغ علمنا ولا تسلط علينا من لا يرحمناO Allah, bestow to our fear of Thee that limit us with immoral deeds and give obedience unto Thee who drove us into Thy heaven and bestowed the belief that would cause the light to us all the tragedy in this world. O Allah, bestow to us pleasure through hearing, vision and strength selamakami still alive and make him a legacy for us. And do not you make the disaster upon us in our religious affairs and do not make this world our greatest ideals and the culmination of our knowledge and we do not make power over those who do not love us.اللهم اغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات انك سميع قريب مجيب الدعوات.O Allah, forgive the sins of the Muslims and Muslimat, mu'minin and mu'minat, both living and deceased. Thou art the Hearer, the Near and grant the prayer.ربنا اتنا فى الدنيا حسنة وفى الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.O Allah, Grant us the good life in the world, the good life in the hereafter and hindarkanlah us from the punishment of hell.
In order to achieve an increase in piety we can achieve and we can prove in everyday life, it becomes important for us to understand the nature of true piety. In his book Ahlur Rahmah, Sheikh Taha Abdullah al Afifi quoted as saying companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib ra about taqwa, that is:
الخوف من الجليل والعمل بالتنزيل والإستعداد ليوم الرحيل والرضا بالقليلFear Allah the Exalted Highness, the practice of what is contained in at her revelations (the Quran), prepare yourself for the day to leave the world and pleased (satisfied) with roughing it (slightly)
From the expression above, there are four nature of piety to be present in each of us and this could be a measure of the success of our Ramadan worship.
First, To Fear God. One attitude that we must have is fear of Allah swt. Fear of God is not like we are afraid of the beast that causes us to be away from him, but fear Allah swt is the fear of the wrath, punishment and torment him so that the things that can bring the wrath, punishment and the punishment of Allah we should stay away.Whereas Almighty God himself we should approach, this is the taqarrub ILALLAH (closer to Allah).
Therefore, people who fear Allah will not be free to deviate from any provision of Him. But as an ordinary man might have someone make a mistake, so if a mistake is done, he immediately repented to Allah swt and apologized to him who he is guilty, even if there are rights of others are taken, then he would return it. More powerful if the mistakes made there any kind of punishment, then he also punished even willing to ask punished so that he does not shy away from punishment. Allah says:
وسارعوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات والأرض أعدت للمتقينAnd haste ye to forgiveness from your Lord and to heaven as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who fear Allah (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 133).
For example, during the Apostles there was a woman taken in adultery, and he was very sorry, of adultery that she was pregnant and after she brought repentance came to the Messenger to get punished, but the Prophet did not punish him at that time because of the pregnancy to be maintained. After giving birth and breast-feeding her child, then she was sentenced as punishment for adulterers who caused his death, when his body menshalatkan Apostle, Umar bin Khattab mempersoalkannya because he was a woman adulterers, Prophet then stated:
لقد تابت توبة لو قسمت بين سبعين من أهل المدينة لوسعتهم وهل وجدت أفضل من أن جادت بنفسها لله عز وجلHe has repented, a repentance that if divided on the seventy people of Medina, surely still enough. Is there anyone greater than a person who has submitted himself to God's law? (Narrated by Muslim).
Fasting and other rituals educate us to be people who fear Allah Almighty who makes us will always adjust to all the provisions of Him. If we measure from this side, the reality shows that many people who have not devoted as there is no fear of Allah swt.
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.Rahimakumullah Muslims.
Both the nature of piety which said Ali ibn Abi Talib is a Charity Based on Revelation. Qur'an was revealed by Allah to be a guide for humans to be devoted to Him. Therefore, the pious will always do good or to do something based on the revelation sent by Allah swt, including the revelation is the Hadith or Sunnah Prophet because the Prophet's words and deeds are based on revelation. In other words, someone called pious when carrying out the order of Allah and is away from his ban.
In this context, it becomes very important for us to always review the al-Quran and Al Hadith, for how could we be charitable in accordance with it, if it does not understand it and how well we can understand when reading and studying it is not.
In the life of the companions, they are always trying to act based on revelation, so they try to study it to the Prophet and his companions, even some of those who like to ask. Although they like to do something, but if it does not justify the revelation they do, then they tried to leave.
Once upon a time there are some people who formerly Jewish friends, they want to be able to perform more worship on Saturday and run the book of the law, but dropped the word of God Almighty who made them did not do it, the verse is:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخلوا في السلم كافة ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إنه لكم عدو مبينO ye who believe, enter ye into the whole of Islam, and do not share the steps devil.Verily Satan's enemy to you (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 208).
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.The Happy Muslims.
Third is the essence of taqwa according to Ali ibn Abi Talib ra should we make of our worship is Ramadan Preparing for the Hereafter. Death is something that must happen to everyone. Demonstrate our belief that death is not the end of everything, but the dead is precisely the beginning of new life, which is a good afterlife and whether or not really depends on one's faith and righteous deeds in this life.Therefore, the pious will always prepare himself in the life of happiness in this world for the hereafter.
If we had realized the certainty of death, then we will not mensia to waste life in a world that no longer. We will try to streamline the way of life in this world to do something that could give a positive value, as any we. Therefore, if we are not effective and people criticize us, we must accept that criticism gladly premises.Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz is one example.
When Umar bin Abdul Aziz has accepted a position as caliph, he felt the need to rest because his condition is already very tired and very sleepy eyes that had, let alone he'd just take care of his family who died of the Caliph Sulaiman. Just as he lay down on the bed and laid her head on the pillow, suddenly came Abdul Malik and said: "Dad, what would my father do now?".
"I want to rest for a while my son", said Umar.
"Is dad going to rest, when the father has not returned the confiscated property of the people is unjust to those entitled to?".
"I will do all that later after noon, I could not sleep last night because taking care of your uncle," said Umar.
"My father, who can give assurance that the father would remain alive until noon then?". Abdul Malik asked again stomping.
Hearing his son's question, it's burning like a lost spirit of Omar so that drowsiness and fatigue they experienced, then Umar said: "Son ... come closer to me".
After approaching Abdul Malik, Umar kissed his forehead and said: "Praise be to Allah who has bestowed offspring who helped me in my religion".
Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz immediately rise from his bed and he announced: "Anyone who has taken his property by unjust, let him raise the issue".
Effectiveness of a life time that is used to make the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz to difficulty finding mustahik because the level of welfare that high. Must we admit that many of us who feel death is still a long time so it does not appear pious charity, both as individuals, families, communities and social and political organization, our complaint is not got time, lack of time, because it is God Almighty mengingatrkan us all:
فمن كان يرجو لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا
Anyone expecting an encounter with his Lord, then let him do righteous deeds, and not one as he was in the worship of his Lord "(Surat al-Kahf [18]: 110).
When someone has done everything as a form of preparation for life after death, then people like this is called an intelligent person, though he was not a scholar.Therefore, the Messenger of Allah said:الكيس من دان نفسه وعمل لما بعد الموتPeople who are smart are those who subdue lust and do good for the life after death (Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Hakim).
Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamdu 3x.Muslims Honored God Almighty.
The nature of the Fourth piety according to Ali ibn Abi Talib is Ridha Although little.Each of us would want to get something, especially wealth in large numbers so that it can bring, and families and can share with others. But desire is not always in line with reality, there are times when we get a lot, but at other times we get a little, even a very little and not enough. Pious are always pleased and accept what is obtained although the numbers a bit, this is the qana'ah, while the lack of what is expected to be searched again with great earnestness and lawful manner. Corruption is a disease of our nation until now is because there is no pleasure of receiving the attitude that they are entitled, as a result he still took the rights of others and the administration and the strengthening of laws on the deviation was doing could be arranged, so Allah reminds us in his word:
ولا تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل وتدلوا بها إلى الحكام لتأكلوا فريقا من أموال الناس بالإثم وأنتم تعلمونAnd do you eat sebahagian sebahagian other treasures among you by means of a false and (do) you take (business) property to the judge, that ye may eat sebahagian than other people's property with (roads do) sin, but ye Knowing. (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 188).At one point, Ali ibn Abi Talib just going home later than usual. His wife, Fatima daughter of Prophet welcomed him with joy. Who knows Ali brings more money because of the greater needs at home.After unwind, Ali said to Fatima, "I apologize for not bringing any money."Does not appear the slightest disappointment on the face of Fatimah, he even kept smiling and could understand the situation that she loved her husband.Ali's wife is very touched that so resignation even though he can not cook that night because there is no food that can be cooked.When prayer time comes, as usual Ali then went to the mosque to perform prayers in congregation. After the prayer, an old man stopped walking towards the house."Excuse me young man, thou true that Ali, son of Abu Talib?", Asked the man."Yes," replied Ali surprised.The old man reached into his pocket and said, "I told your father ever used tanning leather. I have not had time to pay the fare, your father is dead. So, take this money, because thou art heir. "With great joy Ali took the money, amounting to 30 dinars. Arriving at the house, Ali pointed out to his wife's unexpected Rizki. Of course very excited when Fatimah Ali tell the story. And he had to spend it all in order not to bother anymore worrying everyday purposes. Without thinking, Ali immediately went to the market.When it was coming into the market, Ali saw a fakir cupped hands, "Who would menghutangkan his property to God, bersedekahlah to me, a traveler who ran out of stock on the way."Without thinking at length, Ali gave all his money to that person and Ali came home empty-handed. Of course seeing her husband did not bring home anything, Fatimah amazed. Ali describes the events that just happened and this is precisely makes Fatimah was so moved against her husband. Accompanied by a sweet smile, Fatimah said: "What you are doing well will I do if I have it. We better menghutangkan treasure to God than are griping that his wrath. "Acceptance allows us to be grateful and thankful to us will get rizki in greater numbers, even if the amount has not been too much more, gratitude makes us feel something that feels like a bit much so that not only benefit us and the family but alsoother people. This is among the meanings should we catch the word of God Almighty:
وإذ تأذن ربكم لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم ولئن كفرتم إن عذابي لشديد(Remember also), when your Lord proclaimed: "Behold, if ye are grateful, certainly we will add (favors) unto you, and if ye deny (My blessing), verily My punishment is very painful". (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 7).
From the above description we can conclude that the pious to Allah Almighty that we need seriousness required to be devoted to the truth. Finally let us desist Id praying us to pray:
اللهم انصرنا فانك خير الناصرين وافتح لنا فانك خير الفاتحين واغفر لنا فانك خير الغافرين وارحمنا فانك خير الراحمين وارزقنا فانك خير الرازقين واهدنا ونجنا من القوم الظالمين والكافرين.Oh God, help us, Thou art the giver is the best to help. Win us, Thou art the giver is the best to win. Forgive us, verily You are the best of mercy giver givers. Our mercy, Thou art the giver is the best to grace. Give us rizkisesungguhnya You are the best of rizki giver. Guide us and save us from people who dzalim and infidels.
اللهم أصلح لنا ديننا الذى هو عصمة أمرنا وأصلح لنا دنيان التى فيها معاشنا وأصلح لنا آخرتنا التى فيها معادنا واجعل الحياة زيادة لنا فى كل خير واجعل الموت راحة لنا من كل شرO Allah, fix our religion for us, because he was a stronghold for our business. Fix our world for us that he became a place of our lives. Perbikilah Hereafter we are to place our back. Make this as an additional life for us in every good and make our death as a freedom for us from all unrighteousness.
اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك ماتحول بيننا وبين معصيتك ومن طاعتك ما تبلغنابه جنتك ومن اليقين ماتهون به علينا مصائب الدنيا. اللهم متعنا بأسماعنا وأبصارنا وقوتنا ما أحييتنا واجعله الوارث منا واجعله ثأرنا على من عادانا ولا تجعل مصيبتنا فى دينناولا تجعل الدنيا أكبر همنا ولا مبلغ علمنا ولا تسلط علينا من لا يرحمناO Allah, bestow to our fear of Thee that limit us with immoral deeds and give obedience unto Thee who drove us into Thy heaven and bestowed the belief that would cause the light to us all the tragedy in this world. O Allah, bestow to us pleasure through hearing, vision and strength selamakami still alive and make him a legacy for us. And do not you make the disaster upon us in our religious affairs and do not make this world our greatest ideals and the culmination of our knowledge and we do not make power over those who do not love us.اللهم اغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات انك سميع قريب مجيب الدعوات.O Allah, forgive the sins of the Muslims and Muslimat, mu'minin and mu'minat, both living and deceased. Thou art the Hearer, the Near and grant the prayer.ربنا اتنا فى الدنيا حسنة وفى الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.O Allah, Grant us the good life in the world, the good life in the hereafter and hindarkanlah us from the punishment of hell.
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