14 Jan 2012

PRAZZER- 5 Fish and wild fish scary ...!!

No other fish is as sordid as this fish, roam the depths of the sea, anglerfish. Hiding away in the depths of the ocean, the fish is so named (= anglerfish angler fish) because of the unique way he captures prey using body parts protruding from his head like a fishing hook which miraculously able to issue a bioluminescent light from luminous bacteria attached jutaaan there. This is quite attractive prey for approaching and so touching "bait" is, Anglefish will immediately react quickly devoured.

Deep-sea horror story still continues, and fish, Dragonfish is quite known for the oversized mouth and tooth-like fangs are frightening. His head just like everything just filled with jaw and eyes. and pulled out a beautiful light to attract potential prey, much like the anglerfish fishing hook. Although less beautiful because it was still light the beauty of these fish belong to the frightening and ferocious predators should be avoided.

Moray Eel (Moray Eels)
A kind of eel can be found all over the world to slip in the crevices or cracks of coral - where he waited for his prey through and ambushed him with a strong jaw. This fearsome carnivorous marine animals but can also inflict injuries on people that get too close. It appears that eels can reach lengths of 13 ft is more aloof than attacking and only attack humans to defend themselves or bite hands by mistake if fed. When you feel disturbed, these creatures become malignant; and bacteria contained in the teeth can cause serious injury. In some species, the mucus in the skin also contain toxins.

Although this fish is raised in many horror films-made man, but in the real world actually fish is indeed fierce and frightening. Rows of sharp teeth compact and connected to each other. The teeth were perfectly designed for piercing and tearing flesh quickly where the fish is classified as having a voracious appetite. If you're hungry and there is no other choice fish is also aggressive towards its own kind and do cannibalism.Although piranhas hunt prey with ruthless and highly organized, at a specific defense of fish also eat plants like grass. The study also states that the behavior of these fish form a large group as a defense against predators such as crocodiles and river dolphins as well as a strategy for prey. Although just a fish, you may be more highly of him more suited to fine dining dinner than vice versa. You will not really nyemplung in the waters of the Amazon with bare legs to invite the meat shredder. You may be used to give food to animals, but this one is going to attack and tear without waiting for a second invitation.

Tigerfish (Tiger Fish)
Indeed, as the name suggests, these fish have perfect teeth in his mouth. This fish is known as a ferocious and voracious predator and type of adult can reach a length of 6 ft. His body was like a made for speed and power. Such as armored vehicles with powerful fins and always ready to pounce even though his mouth shut. This fish is often used as a game (game) fishing with a great gift. These fish can be found in the waters of Africa's fresh water. Fish whatever passes in the course will be gripped by the strong jaws and sharp teeth like a piranha. This fish is also known to prey on other fish bigger than himself. The fish finder also be wary of Goliath Tigerfish that National Geographic recently described as "evolution on steroids".

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