Bidder Plant Disease
Quranul al-karim is filled with science vocabularyknowledge. Contain adequate It was a thousand and one mystery that needs to begouged out and reviewed by a human. One of the privileges of Al-Quranis a description of some types of plants that are still to betandatanya scientists about the advantages and usefulness. AlthoughThus there is also a Hadith that the Prophet that supports andclarify the usefulness of these plants, although at the timethat there are no scientific studies about it. Most plantsit is the antidote to the disease, and It was highly efficacious forhumans.
Among the herbs contained in the Koran are:1.Madu2.Tin and Olives3.Kurma4.Habbah as-Sauda
BETWEEN benefits of honeyHoney can cure diseases caused by various factors.* Honey can refresh the body* Honey can clean his teeth and maintain kesihatan andinstead he can mempercantikkan hair and grow it* Honey should remove toxins* Honey can be issued ubat-ubat that is not good from the bodyand he wiped it from her ubat-ubat.* Honey is beneficial to human body so as not mengawetstink* Honey can also kill the germs that your body mremudaratkanor cause disease.* Foods that are favored by the waist and liver* Happy dihadamkan
THE DISEASE THAT CAN BE HEALED* Skin diseases* Burned* Acne* Itching* Injury* Childhood paralyzed* Ringworm* Toothache* Eye pain* Heart disease* Catarrh
TIN AND OLIVE FRUITAside from honey, contained in a single sura surah At-Tin iatu inwhere God had sworn on behalf of fig and olive fruit. Whetherolive fruit tin dam privilege sehinggakan Allah swears init? There are some traditions and history that explains aboutfadhilat and excess fruit.
Among them:i) History of Abu Zarr r.a.Bahawa Prophet awarded a former fruit tin.Lalu Prophet inviteshis friends also joined the same makan.Nabi makan.Kemudian kingSAW said: "If I declare about the fruit-derivedsyurga, nescaya dia.Kerana I say this is not the fruit syurgaseed. By that eat this fruit. Indeed he did stopbuasir disease, and beneficial for the pain-body. "ii) Sesetengah commentators explain bahawa Allah swears bykerana fig fruit with fruit that is the cover the nakedness of the ProphetAdam and Eve in Syurga uncover the nakedness of God as bothafter eating the fruit of the ban Syurga preformance.
Efficacy FRUIT TINThis fruit can cure several diseases, among them are:* Disease Buasir* Pain-sore and swollen body* Cough that in the long run* Melawas urinary
OLIVE FRUIT RAHSIAIt was made of wood toothpick by the Prophet Muhammad Prophet termasuklahas that related by the Prophet who berbumyi:"The best of sugi wood is olive, He is the principal timber berkat.Iacleaning the mouth and eliminate the yellow-colored teeth. He issugi wood and wood sugiku the prophets before me. "Prophet also said, which reads: "Use olive oilto cook food, berminyaklah him for hair, body andkerana like unto him what he really is rather than the principalblessing. "In Modern society today, the olive oil used invarious uses termasuklah used soap tosoftens the skin and the hair oil for hair melebatkan.
Efficacy OLIVE FRUITBetween the efficacy of olives are:* Improved restore stomach* Removing the worm* Become an antidote* Oil smooths the skin* Oil is slow to grow gray hair* Eliminate scalded fire.
Dates / TamarAlthough no specific surah to a date, but Allah makesabout the usefulness of a date in the sura Maryam Maryam namely wherepain when going into labor, God instructs Mary in verseke25 to eat ripe dates. Here It was functioningas an analgesic (pain-resistant) and can simultaneously provide Maryampower to bear children.In the view of Islam, if a pregnant mother is given Tamar,God willing a child born to a patient and bersopanTamar santun.Buah circumcised also eat when breaking the fast.He also likes to eat with cucumber Tamar. This kerana bothcan balance both these properties namely where the cucumbercool and fresh, when Tamar hot and sweet fruit.US-Sauda HabbahProphet Hadiths about Habbah as-Sauda: Instead of Buraidah, he said; Rasulullah SAW said: `In the as-Sauda Habbah there any ubatdiseases except death. "This Hadith narrated by Abu Nu'aim inkitad "al-tibb", within the set of hadiths sahih.Habbah as-Sauda is a kind of grass, the color black and be in seasonyearly. It was grown in countries around the Mediterranean and inIndia.Daun-leaves are small and delicate, blue-colored flowers, fruitLunches and inside there are small seeds that may be colored blackubat.Bijinya be hard and spicy taste. These seeds may alsoIt was crushed seeds are used as minyak.Apabila remove odorsfragrant.Modern investigation of the efficacy Habbah as-Sauda has been foundbahawa in seeds that may have ubat mengubati sesetengahdisease. Among them are:* Sepahnya may ease the burden on the shortness of breath* Can mengubati tired and coughing disease berterusan* Removing the wind in the stomach* Adding ghairah sex* Smooth expenditure menstrual blood, stool and urine* Can slimming ladies and can add to the milkfor mothersOther than the efficacy of the call above, there are still manyanother feature that we do not know about honey, fruit Tin,Olives, Dates and Habbah as-Sauda. Islam encourage his peopleusing the four-four plants in the above so that we canbenefit from its use.
by: duniaherbahpa
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