13 Dec 2011


Choosing a Hamster

When you're thinking of getting a hamster, keep these things in mind:
1. Try to buy your hamster in the evening when it is more active. Earlier in the day, most of the hamsters will be asleep.
2. It is important to choose a healthy hamster. So, remember: 

3.The hamster's body should be smooth and well-rounded.
Its coat should be clean, particularly on the underside of its body. There  should be no bare patches.
4. Its ears should be clean on the inside, and if you're buying a young hamster, covered with hair on the outside.
5. The hamster's eyes should be bright and clean.
You will probably want to buy your hamster when it is between four and seven weeks old because hamsters are easier to tame when they're young.
Male and female hamsters are equally good tempered and agreeable.
You can keep two hamsters in one cage depending on what kind of hamster you want to get.

Dzungarian Dwarf hamsters, short dwarf hamsters, and Russian hamsters are all supposed to be pretty social, so you can keep two of one of those kinds together. But it is best if they are litter mates, have been together since birth, and are of the same sex. All other kinds of hamsters need to be kept separately because hamsters are territorial.
Ask the pet dealer what food the hamster hasbeen eating, so you can give it the same. If you want to feed it something different, remember to change to other foods gradually.
The pet store will give you a cardboard box to take your hamster home in. But if your ride home lasts more than two hours the hamster may gnaw its way out. So you can take along a small plastic box. It must close securely and have air holes. Add bedding and a small amountof food to the bottom.

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