13 Dec 2011



Hamsters like to eat seeds, grains and nuts, vegetables, and a little fruit.
Feed your hamster once a day, in the late afternoon or evening. Give a small handful of hamster mix and a small handful of vegetables.

If any is left uneaten, give less the next day. If all is eaten, try giving more, but first check to see if your hamster is hoarding in its cage.

Give a good variety of foods, but introduce any new food gradually.

You can buy hamster mix at a pet store, Walmart, etc. It is fortified so that it provides a hamster with a well-balanced diet of essential foods--grains, seeds, and nuts.

Both root and green vegetables should be given, always raw and washed well. Some vegetables that are good for your hammy are:
>cauliflower (outside leaves and stalk)
>*Brussels sprouts
>lettuce (not iceberg lettuce)
* = small amounts only
To make sure your hamster gets the vitamins it needs, you can buy vitamin drops for small animals at the pet store.

Never leave your hamster without fresh water to drink.

You can feed pieces of apple, pear, grape, and tomato, all in small amounts only. But remember that fruit decays quickly, so check that none is left uneaten in the cage for more than a day. Also remove any uneaten vegetables that your hamster stored so that they do not become moldy.

If you are going on vacation for more than three days, you can take your hamster with you, or arrange for a friend to feed it. For a shorter time, it's ok to leave enough food in the cage to last until you get back. Don't forget to fill up the water bottle!

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