Assessing the personality of the woman's gait
1. When walking, the back looks like do not trample the soil.Group of women who berginjat way, it is said that this woman waswomen who are not honest, when lying, his mouth laser andoffend other people. The woman who goes like thisfamous for his ego attitude. Making matters worse, women are usuallyspenders or the like membazir money without thinking before shopping.In fact, the money was still a lot of usefulness. But do not be discouragedliver, kerana woman like this is usually a male idol.
2. When walking, often turned to the right and left. Women like thisusually good at keeping rahsia. Although crowded that considerSuch women are not honest, likes to deceive their own friends, anddetrimental to his friend, however, byk man who tried to conquerhis heart. It is said that a woman like this fun set.
3. When walking like down. Symbolizes a woman walkingSuch properties are closed. He will only speakwith people close to him and reliably tokeep the secret. Women like this are usually difficult to conqueredhis heart. Aside from his cold, like this woman did notcare about your love life. However, if there is a successful manhis heart, guaranteed to get happiness. Therefore, womenThese types are very loyal, and he will not betray the man wholoved.
4 .. When you walk looking straight ahead. Women like this are usuallyhave a firm stance. Never opposed to whatonce said, if you do not want to hear him talk longwidth. Although the founding firm, but always disagree.Do not be surprised if a woman like this just want to talk with peopleknowledgeable.
5. When you walk upright body appears. This woman said to determinehis own behavior. He did not want his personal affairs interfered with theother. He spoke seriously, showed he has a firm stance.What's interesting about this woman, she bertanggungjawap to whatnever did. He delights in men who independently withoutleave the romantic nature.
6. When you walk grinning, smiling for no apparent reasonThis crazy woman, a little less sane jgn approachable.
7. When walking while singing then take kecrekan. He means .....Transvestites, not the original women .. many men are afraid of him. Huahahaha afraid!
8. When walking while occasionally exhibiting a row gigi2nyawhite. HEART HEART he belom in injecting rabies!
9. When walking, the back looks like do not trample the soil.Maybe he syetan.lariiiiii ... EUR hahahhaha ... EUR
10. if a woman can walk on water, Wuah zhang zi yi must!kung fu girl!
11. If there is a long-haired woman covering her face and crawl outfrom your TV, then that Sadako. Avoid at all cost!
12. When running back and forth, it means wishy-washy woman, so ifwould relate to this type berhati2 woman was, this day hesaid well, tomorrow he says NO NO NO NO NO.
13. If there is a woman who is skipping, well you know,seraaaammmmm pocongkk mamiiiiiii ..
14. If there is a woman who is out there who read this post senyam smilealone, let alone giggle until, well you know I know kagakWhere this kind of reply ..
15. If you want ga rated personality of gait, aja ngesotneng .. safe
1. When walking, the back looks like do not trample the soil.Group of women who berginjat way, it is said that this woman waswomen who are not honest, when lying, his mouth laser andoffend other people. The woman who goes like thisfamous for his ego attitude. Making matters worse, women are usuallyspenders or the like membazir money without thinking before shopping.In fact, the money was still a lot of usefulness. But do not be discouragedliver, kerana woman like this is usually a male idol.
2. When walking, often turned to the right and left. Women like thisusually good at keeping rahsia. Although crowded that considerSuch women are not honest, likes to deceive their own friends, anddetrimental to his friend, however, byk man who tried to conquerhis heart. It is said that a woman like this fun set.
3. When walking like down. Symbolizes a woman walkingSuch properties are closed. He will only speakwith people close to him and reliably tokeep the secret. Women like this are usually difficult to conqueredhis heart. Aside from his cold, like this woman did notcare about your love life. However, if there is a successful manhis heart, guaranteed to get happiness. Therefore, womenThese types are very loyal, and he will not betray the man wholoved.
4 .. When you walk looking straight ahead. Women like this are usuallyhave a firm stance. Never opposed to whatonce said, if you do not want to hear him talk longwidth. Although the founding firm, but always disagree.Do not be surprised if a woman like this just want to talk with peopleknowledgeable.
5. When you walk upright body appears. This woman said to determinehis own behavior. He did not want his personal affairs interfered with theother. He spoke seriously, showed he has a firm stance.What's interesting about this woman, she bertanggungjawap to whatnever did. He delights in men who independently withoutleave the romantic nature.
6. When you walk grinning, smiling for no apparent reasonThis crazy woman, a little less sane jgn approachable.
7. When walking while singing then take kecrekan. He means .....Transvestites, not the original women .. many men are afraid of him. Huahahaha afraid!
8. When walking while occasionally exhibiting a row gigi2nyawhite. HEART HEART he belom in injecting rabies!
9. When walking, the back looks like do not trample the soil.Maybe he syetan.lariiiiii ... EUR hahahhaha ... EUR
10. if a woman can walk on water, Wuah zhang zi yi must!kung fu girl!
11. If there is a long-haired woman covering her face and crawl outfrom your TV, then that Sadako. Avoid at all cost!
12. When running back and forth, it means wishy-washy woman, so ifwould relate to this type berhati2 woman was, this day hesaid well, tomorrow he says NO NO NO NO NO.
13. If there is a woman who is skipping, well you know,seraaaammmmm pocongkk mamiiiiiii ..
14. If there is a woman who is out there who read this post senyam smilealone, let alone giggle until, well you know I know kagakWhere this kind of reply ..
15. If you want ga rated personality of gait, aja ngesotneng .. safe
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