15 Feb 2012

Causes of Excess Sweat

everyone was sweating when hot air outside. But there are people who have experience excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) to sweaty palms. Hyperhidrosis causes people to sweat when there is no reason for it.
Typically, the sweat glands produce sweat that has been brought to the surface of the skin when the air temperature increases, the body has a fever, he was exercising, and was feeling anxious, restless, or stressed. When these factors are no longer an issue, then the body stops sweating process.
Approximately 2-3 percent of the population has hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands remain active. People with hyperhidrosis sweat it when there is no cause to sweat, even when in the air-conditioned room. Some people with hyperhidrosis sweat even when it was in the pool.
There are two types of hyperhidrosis, as quoted by WebMD, Wednesday (15/02/2012), namely:
A. Primary hyperhidrosis, which causes excessive sweating in the hands, underarms, face and legs for no apparent reason.2. Secondary hyperhidrosis, which causes excessive sweating in the body or in a larger area of ​​the body and is caused by medical conditions or medications.
Here are the cause of primary hyperhidrosis:
People with primary hyperhidrosis generally sweat from certain types of sweat glands called the sweat glands ekrin. Ekrin sweat glands constitute the majority of the 2-4 million sweat glands in the body. Ekrin so many sweat glands in the feet, hands, face and underarms.
When the body is too hot, while it is moving, when feeling emotional, or as a result of the hormone, then the nerve will activate the sweat glands.
When the nerves overreact, it will cause hyperhidrosis. Experts do not know the cause of why people have primary hyperhidrosis, although perhaps it may be due to heredity.
People with primary hyperhidrosis may be able to treat the condition with non-surgical treatments, such as:
A. Antiperspirants containing aluminum-counter or prescription.2. Drugs called anticholinergics which affects the nerves that activate the sweat glands.3. Treatment with low-intensity electrical current called iontophoresis.4. Botox injections in the armpits.
Surgery is usually only considered as a last resort for people with severe excessive sweating in the hands and armpits. Surgery may involve removing the sweat glands of the area. During another procedure, called sympathectomy chest, the surgeon cuts and destroy the nerves that are responsible for the formation of sweat.
The following causes of secondary hyperhidrosis:
Sweating from secondary hyperhidrosis is different from primary hyperhidrosis. Because the secondary hyperhidrosis tend to occur at all or in one general area rather than in the hands, underarms, face, or legs.
Unlike primary hyperhidrosis, this kind is more likely to cause sweating during sleep. Secondary hyperhidrosis usually caused by medical conditions and medications.
Some medical conditions have the potential to cause hyperhidrosis, among others:
A. Gestation2. Diabetes3. Hyperthyroidism4. Menstruation5. Obesity6. Parkinson's disease7. Rheumatoid arthritis8. Lymphoma9. Gout10. Infection
Uncover the underlying condition and get the right treatment will help reduce the sweat from secondary hyperhidrosis. Therefore it is necessary to hyperhidrosis patients tell a doctor when experiencing a problem with sweating.
So as to find the cause of hyperhidrosis is experienced to get the right treatment.

Source: Detik.com

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