31 Jan 2012

Let Recommend Healthy Snacks to our Child

Jakarta - Children ages toddler loves to explore a variety of food tasting. Do not miss a special moment in its growth phase. Introduce a variety of healthy snacks. Allow your child to practice familiar healthy foods early on.
Responding to the rapid growth of your child, you can begin to introduce a variety of healthy foods. In addition to practicing eating all kinds of food, essential nutrients in foods can sustain growth. Everything can be made and easy!
CheeseCheese contains calcium, vitamin D and protein is good for increasing energy up to the meal. Look for low-salt cheese and make a cut or melted cheese and mix with a variety of fruit penchant.
Peanut butterPeanut butter has a lot of protein and fiber is good for growth and maintain intestinal health. Combine peanut butter on a piece of wheat bread and add a piece of fruit that they like.
Cereal grainWheat has the vitamins, calcium and fiber. Make a bowl of whole grain cereal with milk and additional pieces of fresh fruit for breakfast healthy baby.
YogurtLow-fat yogurt are good sources of calcium for children. Mix the yogurt with fruit pieces and printed in popsicle molds and freeze. Looking at the color and shape of a popsicle baby would immediately like.
EggsAn egg provides nearly a third of the protein needs of the child. In order for your child does not get bored, make scrambled eggs in rolls or crepes and add melted cheese to add calcium in it. Can also be boiled and molded with a special mold.
SweetSweet simple though rich in nutrients. Contains vitamins A, B6, C and folate good for brain growth and can maintain the health of your child. Parsnip puree, add pieces of fruit and cheese planer.
NoodlesNoodles or pasta is a source of complex carbohydrates that required children to increase energy while playing. Choose pasta made from wheat by mixing various vegetables to meet the needs of protein and fiber. Do not forget, finely sliced ​​vegetables so that the little easy to eat.

FRUITS FOR HEALTHY                                                              7 HEALTHY SNACK

Source: Google and Detik.com

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