3 Feb 2012

Story Behind the 12 Zodiac Symbol

1. According to Greek mythology Capricorn, the goat is used as a symbol of the zodiac is called Amaltheus. Goat milk is never given to the god Zeus. When the supreme god of the ancient Greeks is still in its infancy, and were in the cave, hidden Zeus devoured her mother for fear of a violent father named Chronoos. Because these services, the goat was then taken up into heaven, the light and be equipped with a star.

2. Aquarius Symbolized by a handsome young man pouring water from WHO was a large CROCK. Ganimedes his name, his most loyal servant of Zeus. His job is to bring drinks greatest Greek god's.

3. Symbolized by two fish of Pisces. Both of these fish have helped the goddess Venus (goddess of beauty) and the god Mars (god of war) to the river Euphrates, when They were in the chase by Typhon.

4. Aries Symbolized by a lamb. Lamb is not just any sheep. This golden haired sheep. He was Sacrificed as an offering to the supreme god, Zeus was pleased to receive it. And he made the stars.

5. Symbolized by the bull Taurus. Taurus comes from the word meaning Taureau bull. This cow is the Incarnation of the god Zeus (Jupiter). Perhaps the best love story of Zeus at pretty girls.He is also known as the god of the most wives. So, when he saw the beauty of European women, the Matchless beautiful, so his love he transformed Himself into a bull in order to Kidnap the daughter of Europe.

6. Gemini is denoted by a pair of twins. They are the sons of the god Zeus. Both twins are called Castor and Polux.

7. Denoted by the crab Cancer. Is the Incarnation of the serpent named Hydra. These snakes sent by Juno, to fight Hercules (known youth strong and brave). Snakes were sent by Juno That proved to be extremely toxic and has a lot of heads. If the head is cut down by Hercules will grow again.Hercules cleverly, burn the snake's neck. Then finished the history of snakes. Then the snake was used as a star. Killing snakes is one of the 12 tasks of Hercules are very heavy.

8. Leo Symbolized by the lion. This lion is one of the 12 tasks of Hercules are very famous. This lion is the most ferocious lion to be conquered.

9. Virgo Symbol is a very beautiful daughter. This is the Incarnation of WHO Princess Astrea's daughter lived in the golden age. At that time he CAME down from heaven to earth. But he did not live on earth, Because It does not stand the sight of Suffering and Evil That Humans do on earth.Then he returned to the sky and Became stars. The Greeks Divided it into 4 times, namely the time of gold, silver, bronze and iron

10. Libra Represented by the balance or scales. Is the symbol of justice. Daughter of the master of justice was the daughter of Justicia. Its origin is not known with certainty.

11. Symbol Scorpio is a scorpion. Have very interesting origins. Namely, there was love in terms of 4. Between Orion (a handsome young man), Diana (goddess of the moon), Venus (goddess of beauty) and Aurora (goddess of the dawn).Because of his good looks Orion, he loved three beautiful goddesses as well. Due to the jealous rival, Diana sent a scorpion to Orion. Scorpion bite him to death.Diana regret for his actions. And appealed to the god Zeus to be a star Orion. Because he is innocent, then the god Zeus made him a star in the Constellation Scorpio.

12. Sagittarius Symbol is the horse-bodied creatures, WHO headed man was shooting. This creature named Centaurus. Centaurus is actually the monsters, the Enemies of gods and men.Except Centaurus named Chyron is a friend and teacher of gods and men. He teaches how to use guns and ARCHERY as well. 'Because of this, he was made a star....

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