31 Jan 2012

Wow...Technology of IPHONE ......^0^

Jakarta - Want to dictate your iPhone to send SMS, emails, until the update status, with the Indonesian language? All that can be done with Dragon Dictation application. Simply talk with your phone.
"The application before present to 52 languages ​​and is now available in Indonesian. Send SMS or email can now be done easily and quickly," claims Stuart Sharpe, Senior Director of Nuance Communications - pembesut that application, when met at the Hotel Four Seasons, Tuesday (31/01/2011).

Dragon Dictation can only be used in Apple's latest operating system, IOS 5.Handset that can use this application, among others, the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch. This application has been available in the App Store for free, for a limited time.
"Our main goal is to educate consumers about the permissibility of this application," added Stuart.
How does it work? In Dragon Dictation, users simply press the button on the application and said the sentence is desired. Then press the finish button. Then the sentence will be processed and translated text.
If you've finished writing, the user can choose to use it as a SMS text, email, or status updates on Facebook and Twitter. However, further processing is done manually, no longer with sound.
Dragon Search
In addition to Dragon Dictation, Nuance Dragon Search also presents applications that use pretty much the same way. User touches the screen and say words to search. Then the sentence will be sought on various internet services from Google, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube and iTunes.
"This application can be adapted according to the voice users. We made him understand what you say," added Stuart.
Nuance Communications itself is a company engaged in the field of mobile technology. In addition to the IOS, in truth they have made a similar application on the Android and Windows Phone, but not dimassalkan.
"For example, we are working with T-Mobile in the United States to bring it in Android," added Stuart.

Source: Detik.com

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