5 Feb 2012

5 Types of the most nutritious plant

 Earth Stake
Eurycoma Longifolia Eurycoma longifolia or grow in the forests of Borneo. The drug is used as a source of roots. Consuming the earth peg root extract can cure diabetes, liver disease, impotence, rheumatism, gout and enhance the vitality of Adam.
Dari some existing referansi, earth peg is also capable of treating leukemia or blood cancer, and from research conducted by several countries, pegs the earth also contains a variety of secondary metabolic effects of high efficacy. Earth pegs contain compounds as anti-hyperlipidemic statins, group alkaloids and lactones. Ethanolic extract contained in it may also increase the amount of the hormone testosterone in men.
Earth pegs known as malaria drugs, dietary compounds in the roots can be crippling kuasinoid falcifarum plasmodium carried by the female Anopheles mosquito. Other content is well-known erikomanon potent compounds against malaria. Last is also known that the earth pin helpful to boost immunity in people with HIV.

 Dragon Fruit
There are 4 types of fruit (seen from the flesh and skin color), red meat, white meat, white meat supermerah and fleshy, but the skin is yellow. The white meat has a larger size and a fresh flavor (sour but fresh), while the red has a sweeter taste. In conditions that are still fresh, the fruit usually diselaputi tendrils or yellowish-green scales, while the exterior is pink.
The fruit is known as one source of beta-carotene, a provitamin A in the body will be processed into vitamin A which is useful for eye health, reproduction and other metabolic processes. Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant, cancer prevention, especially skin cancer and lung cancer. Besides these fruits also contain vitamin and mineral sources are very good.Contained in this fruit source of vitamin B1, potassium, iron, protein and calcium. These substances are able to neutralize toxins in the blood, improve eyesight and prevent hypertension.
Dragon fruit can be consumed in a fresh condition, after being cooked, dragon fruit is cut in half and the meat is taken using a spoon. Dragon fruit can also be used as other delicious foods such as pies, ice cream and various other desserts.

 Mahkota Dewa
This plant is classified into families Thymelaece, stem height ranging 1.5 meters to 2.5 meters. A single leaf. The leaves are oval shaped and tapered at the ends. The fruit is dark red when ripe. This fruit contains alkaloids, saponin, flavonoids, tannins, sterols and terpenes.
Mahkota Dewa efficacious as detoxification, boost immunity, reduce blood sugar levels, anti-inflammation, prevent cancer growth, lowering uric acid. The fruit is sitotoksit against cervical cancer cells and leukemia cells. Almost all parts of this plant can be used as medicine, ranging from the pulp, rind until the leaf. Leaves and fruit skin can be used in fresh or dried, while the fruit (pulp) may be used after drying.
Besides the properties mentioned above, the skin and flesh of the fruit can be used to treat dysentery, psoriasis and acne. Leaves and seeds can be used to treat skin diseases such as ekzim and itching. But be wary, because the Mahkota Dewa fruit contains toxins, especially the seeds. If fresh fruit is eaten immediately can cause mouth swelling, sores, drunk, unconscious convulsions.

 Ginkgo Biloba
This plant has been used by ancient Chinese people who use even eat the leaves and fruit seeds since 5000 years ago. Its main use at that time as a refreshing body tonic. Now ginkgo biloba extract can be purchased in capsules, pills or liquid jet. At this plant is used to treat heart diseases and diseases related to lungs, like asthma and bronchitis.
Ginkgo Biloba is known to contain vitamin C and ginkgolida, namely anti-oxidant compounds and flavonoids. This compound is believed to play an important role and has been studied to widen the vessel, the small system mikrokapiler, so as to improve the function of a single organ, especially the brain. Besides this plant can be utilized to eliminate stress, rid of headaches, migraine, vertigo and ringing in the ears. And other news, apparently ginkgo biloba can improve sexual power.
Need to watch out, taking ginkgo biloba can cause excessive diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Ginkgo biloba is also not recommended to use against people who have blood clotting problems, people with epilepsy and pregnant women.

This plant has been dubbed "the essence of the earth in the form of a men", is due to the passing of ginseng root resemble human beings. Currently ginseng root on the market generally come from America, Siberia and Asia. Of the three, the best type is Asian ginseng Panax Ginseng ataau and most expensive.
In China, ginseng is known as a sexual stimulant because it contains the hormone estrogen (female sex hormone). This plant is also known to enhance the immune system and increase the body's ability to deal with stress and kelahan. Ginseng is also used to treat depression, fever, diarrhea and who is best known as an impotence drug. Originally ginseng is consumed in the form of a wet bulb, dry bulb, flour and others. Simple processing by boiling the fresh tubers for 10-20 minutes, then drink the water. But at this moment, in the market it is common for ginseng is found in the package are ready to eat.
Just like other herbs, ginseng consumed excessively can lead to headaches, insomnia, anxiety, anxiety and pain during breathing. Consumption of ginseng is not recommended to pregnant women, people with insomnia, asthma, hypertension, heart disorders, diabetes and emphysema (swelling of the lungs take in air because the blood vessels).

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