10 Feb 2012

Free Sex and Sex Problems in College Students

Sexual problems are often college kids to be highlighted because of times like this is the time when someone starts a sexual desire is not married but collided norm. What are the college kids about sex?
As quoted from the book Questions Kids Ask About Sex, written by J. Thomas Fitch and Melissa R. Cox, published ANDI, Friday (02/10/2012) there are some problems or questions that descend sex college students, namely:

1. What is wrong with casual sex?

Free sex can ruin a person's chance to enjoy a great sex life in the future. Problems that can arise is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) which usually causes no symptoms, the chances of getting pregnant out of wedlock and the inability to develop intimate relationships in the future. Though sex is designed to be a special bond in your marriage relationship permanently.
2. In case of IMS, whether it will affect sex in a marriage or a chance to have children?

STIs caused by bacteria and parasites (chlamydia, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis) which can be treated or from virus (HIV, herpes simplex virus and HPV) that can not be cured completely. Men may experience temporary infertility due to chlamydia or gonorrhea infection (gonorrhea).
While the IMS from the virus can persist in the body even though the symptoms are gone and are transmitted through sexual contact. If anyone has ever suffered from a history of STIs, there is likely to cause problems in the household.

3. Is the danger of having sex if already engaged?
Although contraceptive use is safe to claim, there's always the possibility of getting pregnant could actually make it off the engagement or marriage in the state of pregnancy. This condition can lead to abortion that can affect the reproductive system later.
4. When should the time to get married? 

The time is right for every person is different, depending on the readiness of each person in terms of financially and emotionally. For that there are no exact figures that show the best time for someone to marry.
5. What's wrong with living together (cohabiting)?

Living together is usually done to see the matches in the marriage or for people who are afraid to commit to marriage. But in fact this condition did not show any advantage. In addition cohabiting is allowing people to come and go couples at risk of infection makes it an infectious disease.
Cohabiting people are more vulnerable to abuse, unhealthy relationships, and levels of depression are five times higher than married people.
6. Can a person not married and live happily? 

The answer is they can be, because there are several reasons that make it impossible to marry such as trust, love his work or simply choose not to marry. This condition is usually because he has family and friends, have a purpose in life and know that he loved.

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