5 Feb 2012

Ancient Mountain Geologist Peel

Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Agency in collaboration with Indonesian Geologists Association held a Geo Jabar Banten Seminar "Geology and Archaeology Ancient Mountain West Java" in the Auditorium of the Geological Agency in London on Friday.

The seminar, attended by the personnel of geology and archeology of the various groups that are specifically peeling or case studies Gunung Padang, Sadahurip Mountain, and Mount Lalakon the so-called pyramid heap.
"Feel free to express their opinion on the pyramid Sadahurip Mountain and Mount Lalakon, we wait for the seriousness of their research. However, the science of geology and archeology can not justify the reason that they convey," said Archaeological Research Agency (albino) Bandung, Luthfy Yondri , in his presentation.
According Luthfy, based on the disciplines they have not found any cultural trajectory of the pyramid in Indonesia.
Found in some of the oldest sites in Indonesia, such as the site of Mount Padang is punden building terraces.
"The oldest building in Indonesia punden shaped staircase, and different from the pyramid structure," said Luthfy.
This same research also revealed by Prof Dr Sutikno Bronto Geology and Sudjatmiko that says, in earth science, the reason for the team on behalf of the Ancient Katastopik team is irrelevant.
"If it was curious, please dig as a sample, but should not be considered bronjong rock layers covering the walls of the pyramid," said Sudjatmiko.
Of the development of earth science, geology learning based view of volcano geology is able to identify the existence of an ancient volcano.
Ancient volcano is a volcano that is now dead, had eroded even further so that features highly physical body is not as clear as the volcano active volcano today.
"In some cases the remains of ancient volcanoes are buried or boarded by younger rocks, which is why the volcano is also known fossils of ancient volcanoes," he said.
Sujatmiko is also board Geologists Association of Indonesia (IAGI) said, because arouse controversy and disturbing the public, so it conducted a study of geology at Mount Sadahurip on March 19, 2011 and Mount Lalakon January 8, 2012.
In essence, according to him, did not lead to or reinforce the opinion of the pyramid, however, it was appreciated that opinion.
"Our approach is based on earth science is pointing in that direction, the possibility of building a very small man made," said Secretary KRCB Sudjatmiko who also was added.

Source: Kompas.com

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