Cacing Whips (Trichuriasis)
Adult worms live in Usun will release their eggs outside the human body with dirt. The ingested eggs will hatch later in the small intestine and live to adulthood there. The symptoms in patients with whipworm include abdominal pain, diarrhea and appendicitis.
Pinworms (Enterobiasis)
cing the role of Enterobius vermikularis here is often very common in young children. Adult worms will live in the colon. Female worms lay eggs that will leave the large intestine to the anus which is the most ideal breeding ground. This is when the child will cry for itchy anus hole. In the visible, this worm will look for shredded coconut around the anal canal. This worm transmission as well as stomach worms enter through the mouth either directly with the intermediary of food or inadvertently fed by people who scratch out an itchy anus hole. So common in young children due to the action reinfection.
Stomach worms (Askariasis)
Usually caused by Askaris lumbricoides worm family which is the most common worms that infect humans. Adult worms live in the human upper intestine, and release their eggs in human feces. Infection in humans occurs through the food contaminated by feces containing worm eggs. Eggs are ingested larvae will issue. These larvae penetrate the intestinal wall into the bloodstream through the lungs ultimately then will dibatukan out and swallowed back into the intestine. Disease arising from infection include anemia, bile duct obstruction, inflammation of the pancreas and appendix.
Most often cylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. Adult worms live in the upper small intestine, whereas the eggs will be issued along with human waste. The eggs will hatch into larvae outside the human body, which then goes back to the victim's body through the skin of your feet are walking barefoot. Larvae will walk the path in the body through the bloodstream which eventually arrived in the lungs and dibatukan and swallowed again. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include local or whole body, anemia and abdominal pain.
Adult worms live in Usun will release their eggs outside the human body with dirt. The ingested eggs will hatch later in the small intestine and live to adulthood there. The symptoms in patients with whipworm include abdominal pain, diarrhea and appendicitis.
Pinworms (Enterobiasis)
cing the role of Enterobius vermikularis here is often very common in young children. Adult worms will live in the colon. Female worms lay eggs that will leave the large intestine to the anus which is the most ideal breeding ground. This is when the child will cry for itchy anus hole. In the visible, this worm will look for shredded coconut around the anal canal. This worm transmission as well as stomach worms enter through the mouth either directly with the intermediary of food or inadvertently fed by people who scratch out an itchy anus hole. So common in young children due to the action reinfection.
Stomach worms (Askariasis)
Usually caused by Askaris lumbricoides worm family which is the most common worms that infect humans. Adult worms live in the human upper intestine, and release their eggs in human feces. Infection in humans occurs through the food contaminated by feces containing worm eggs. Eggs are ingested larvae will issue. These larvae penetrate the intestinal wall into the bloodstream through the lungs ultimately then will dibatukan out and swallowed back into the intestine. Disease arising from infection include anemia, bile duct obstruction, inflammation of the pancreas and appendix.
Most often cylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. Adult worms live in the upper small intestine, whereas the eggs will be issued along with human waste. The eggs will hatch into larvae outside the human body, which then goes back to the victim's body through the skin of your feet are walking barefoot. Larvae will walk the path in the body through the bloodstream which eventually arrived in the lungs and dibatukan and swallowed again. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include local or whole body, anemia and abdominal pain.
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