8 Feb 2012

Why husband More Like Masturbation?

Doc, what do normal that sex once a week? Since it was first married in 4 years ago until now we have sex once a week to 10 days sometimes do not do it because my husband rarely asks to have sex, and she likes to masturbate. Why husband prefers masturbation? Thank you.

Ana (Female Married 28 Years), suzzan_XXXXX@yahoo.co.id
Height 155 cm and weight 56 Kg


The frequency of sexual intercourse vary greatly, there is every day, there are 3-4 times per week or 1 time per week. This is determined by the physical fitness of each pair of husband-wife, should also be made ​​on both sides desire.

You have experienced relatively fair when every sexual encounter ends with sexual satisfaction (orgasm). Husband's habit of masturbation (masturbation), which is one way of fulfilling sexual desire, may have the effect of rare-he asked to relate intimately with you.

Dr. Andri Wanananda MS
Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association of Sexology Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

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