5 Feb 2012

This grandfather owned a car Beaten Police Officer

Police rightly be wise to every rider on the road. Not like this one event. Keanarkisan due to his grandfather, three Gwent police (police forces in England) demanded £ 20,000, or about USD 284 million.
That demand was won by his grandfather who also retired private, Robert Whatley (73). Grandpa managed to win the cash demands of Rp 284 million.
The story began when his grandfather was found driving a Range Rover by not using a seat belt (seat belt). The incident occurred in 2009 ago.
Because my grandfather looks guilty, Gwent Police were pursuing the grandfather. But the grandfather did not intend to stop Whatley as the pace car. Suddenly the officer was chasing a car driven by Whatley's grandfather. Action chase ensued until the top speed 80 km / hour and recorded on a camera from one of the police car.
With his grandfather suddenly stop the vehicle was a Range Rover in a rural, suddenly a police car came out and Range Rover Whatley's grandfather. But instead of being wise, Gwent police officers actually hit the side glass to the Range Rover was destroyed.
As reported by dailymail, Friday (02/03/2011) Gwent officer hit a car side mirror 15 times until destroyed. While one other officer caught on camera as coming from the front of the Range Rover. He tried to climb into the hood and kick the windscreen berbanderol USD 800 million was to compress into a.
Whatley's grandfather was forced out of the car and got arrested and demands a fine of Rp 3 million due to not using a seat belt and tried to avoid the Gwent police officers.
However, the court changed the story line. Because the act scared of police officers, the grandfather tried to sue the police officers back by suing in civil.
Retired trauma that demanded money of £ 20,000 or about USD 284 million. And is beyond the damage to the car for £ 9,800 or Rp 139 million.
In times of trial, the police insisted Gwent police officers in the field is correct and according to the rules when performing their duties.
Yet another judge in England said, because it has been proven to cause harm, injure and make his grandfather's hand trauma, Gwent Police have to pay the claim. These demands have been paid by Gwent police a few days ago.

Source: detik.com

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